Vibe Check

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My hands shook ever so slightly as I gathered up my notebooks and shoved them into my bag. I'd had enough of this. They were going to kill me. I could just feel it.

I grabbed my pencil box and slid it into its pocket. He was deteriorating; I could tell that they didn't trust me. Orochimaru kept asking me about how much I know, and if he didn't just absorb me first he'd do some horrific torture experiment on me to get the information I knew.

He made that message loud and clear to me when he had me help him practice and develop torture methods on one of his various experimental 'subjects'.

I couldn't take it anymore, fear and desensitization were making me go mad all over again.

I had just coaxed my little snake friend into my now packed bag when I heard footsteps from behind.

I straightened slowly, "Can I help you?"

"What's this then?" I heard Kabuto ask lowly.

"A whole heaping shit load of none of your business." I answered in a calm, quiet manner. I couldn't let Orochimaru find out what was about to happen.

"I'm afraid where Lord Orochimaru is concerned, it is my business." Kabuto stepped fully into my room. Now he was in my territory. Big mistake.

"God, I think you forgot to get off of his dick or something," I grimaced, "Cause you're riding it so fucking hard."

"That is enou-"

"A dick doesn't work the same as a tongue Kabuto. You can talk for yourself." I huffed.

Kabuto blanched, but took another step forward, "I am not going to let you talk to me like that anymore."

"Going to do something about it for once, you sniveling husk of a man?" I tempted. Perhaps I would finally get my wish.

Kabuto took a couple more steps, "I don't understand how a person of your mental caliber can have such a misguided hatred."

"'Misguided'?" I laughed, "I have plenty of reasons to hate you."

Kabuto glared at me silently.

"The intent to harm the people I care about." I turned to fully face him, "The blatant disregard for human compassion and ethics." I began walking towards him, "The fact that you barely qualify as an independent person." I stood about five feet away from him, "You embody all that I hate in a 'human'. You are truly a husk, a puppet. You do whatever your 'master' says and then you dare to act all high and mighty like you've ever accomplished a thing for yourself."

Kabuto gritted his teeth, "You dare to say I have no autonomy?"
"Who are you?" I posited. He blinked in genuine confusion, "It's rhetorical, you don't have to answer." I sighed, "But, that demonstrated my point. You are no one without Orochimaru. You're a slithering, repulsive worm with the personality of a moldy cheese burger left in the backlot of a low rate motel."

Kabuto glanced at the doorway, "What is your plan?"

"'Plan' is too smart for what this is." I admitted, "But, I will do what is necessary."

Kabuto glanced at the doorway again, and I quickly performed a hand sign, "Earth wall." I muttered.

A stone slab slid up cleanly from the ground where the door to my room previously was, and Kabuto's eyes snapped back to mine, horror beginning to creep into his expression.

"You really intend to betray him?" he whispered, body beginning to shake with rage.

"It was always my intent." I answered hollowly, "I never intended to be his new body." I tilted my head to the side, a wide smirk forming on my lips, "What do you take me for?" I let out a harsh laugh, "Not everybody is as stupid as you are!" I threw my arms wide, "I just wanted him to remove the degrading effects of the mark."

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