Fateful Encounter

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I rolled over onto my side, just barely becoming aware of my surroundings. I knew I was in my bed, but based on how my body felt I mustn't have left it in days. I groggily stretched out my legs, them sore from disuse. What had happened? Why was I so disoriented?

I opened my eyes to confirm that I was in my room, Lipstick curled at my feet.

"Sasuke?" I called out, not sure if I should be concerned or not.

The door swiftly opened, Takumi peeking in with a wide grin when he saw I was awake, "Thank god, Pearl." He quickly came inside, kneeling by my bed, "How're ya feeling?"

"Like I've slept for years." I mumbled, "Please tell me I didn't."

He shook his head with a laugh, "Try a week and a half."

"That long?" I instantly became more alert, worried about what might've happened while I was out.

"Relax." he soothed, "The only thing that's been botherin' us is whether you'd wake up or not."

"The food pills..." I grumbled, "That's probably what it was."

He nodded, "I told you that you shouldn't slam those."

"It's fine." I shrugged dismissively, "I didn't even dream at all." Now that I said it outloud, it struck me as incredibly odd that I couldn't remember having a single dream during that entire time.

"That not normal?" he quirked a brow.

"Not for me, I have dreams almost every night that can help me predict the future." I answered.

He frowned, "That doesn't sound fun."

"It isn't." I agreed, "But it's weird that I was out for so long and haven't had any."

"Hm..." he glared pensively for a moment, "Moving on from that, do you need anything?"

"A bath." I huffed, "Food."

"Understandable." he smirked, standing up, "I'll bring you something and draw a bath, kay?"

"Okay." I replied, reaching down to pet Lipstick, "How's the village doing?"

He paused, "Oh, we've rebuilt a lot because of Yamato." His eyes lit up with remembrance, "Oh, and it's a good thing you're awake now."

"Why?" I tilted my head, nothing coming to the top of my mind.

"Because we're going to the summit!" he declared.


As I followed Tsunade down the hallway to the rooms we would be staying in, I couldn't help but wonder how this summit was going to go. Not only had the events before hand been completely messed up, but there was a new village, Tsunade was here instead of Danzo, and Sasuke wasn't going to attack.

Tsunade paused in front of a set of doors, "I believe this is where we will be sleeping." She turned to me, "There's a room for me and a room for my guards; are you going to be okay with them, or do I need to make other arrangements?"

"I think I'll be okay." I purred, leaning towards Kakashi who sighed in resignation.

Tsunade quirked a brow at that, but decided to ignore it, "Alright then. I want all of you to behave."

"Got it!" Takumi gave a small salute.

"Lady Tsunade, could I go to the bathhouse?" I asked, "I kinda wanna warm up after that trip."

She considered it before nodding, "I think that should be fine, but," she gazed at me with an intensity that made me shrink back, "You are to behave. Understand? No nonsense. And keep yourself safe."

Reborn as Sakura and Hinata: Lost in the WindDonde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora