A Brand New (Pink) World

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In reaction to the bright light pouring in through the window, I attempted to further shut my eyes from the offensive source, blindly flailing my arm in a desperate attempt to find my dog through the haze. When my arms couldn't find her, I tried again with my legs, but to no avail. Grasped by the anger of my pre-conscious state, I bolted upright and scanned the sea of pink for my puppy.


I blinked, confused. I could have sworn that my bedsheets were purple, not pink. The hell? For a moment, I stared into the sheets of a bed that was much smaller than it should have been, in a room that was much smaller than it should have been, and mainly covered in pink, which it shouldn't have been.

Was I roofied? Where was I? Where was my dog? Feeling a slight tinge of panic rising in my chest, I ran a hand through my hair, tossing pink bangs into my face. Pink? I could have sworn that I had blond hair, not pink. I grabbed at my hair for a moment in fury, already seeing the noose around my brother's neck for whatever prank this was, but-

Where the hell is my dog? Tears of anger and confusion welled in my eyes as I looked at my surroundings. My eyes fell onto my closet. Pink? Now I knew that I didn't own any pink clothes. What the hell was happening, and what the hell was with all the pink!? Where was a mirror? Where the fuck was my dog? Where was I? What was happening? Was this some sort of hallucination? Was my medication not working anymore? But nothing like this had ever happened to me before? Why was I just sleeping? I was just walking to college and...

My mind went blank for a moment. Did I die? I looked down at my hand. This wasn't my hand. This wasn't my room. Was this a hallucination? Because I sure felt like I was having a disorienting, 'out of body' experience.

Nearly collapsing from my bed, I desperately almost dragged myself to the mirror to try and figure out who I currently was, because at the very least I knew I wasn't me.

"What. The. Fuck."

Green eyes stared back at me, and it wasn't the fact that I had green eyes, pink hair, and a pink room that scared me. It was that I recognized that face, the face of perhaps one of the most hated characters in the history of media that scared me. I was Sakura Haruno.

I promptly screamed.

"Sakura, sweetie, what on earth is the problem? Are you okay?" Sakura's mom, MY mom, burst into my room, concern etched into her face and eyes flickering around the room in a search for danger. How? Why? Was this a dream? About Naruto? Yes, that was it!

"Y-yeah... nightmare." I sputtered out almost unconsciously, trying to get her attention off of me so that I could get myself a moment alone to try and process all of this. Her gaze settled back on me as she watched me for any signs of dishonesty. Although she seemed to be debating herself, she accepted my answer.

"Okay, breakfast is ready," she stated with slight concern still in her voice, "remember what today is? Graduation!"

My eyes slowly returned to the mirror. Sakura's... my... hair was still long, meaning I was... at the beginning of the series! Oh... I was at the beginning of the series. My thoughts were currently cycling through two different ideas, the horrific sense of displacement I felt and the fact that I might have died and the part of me that wanted to ignore all of that and have some fun in this 'dream'. And, oh boy, the fun I could have. If I thought Coach Scott's ass was nice I had an even better one awaiting me in this world.

Deciding to go with the much more fun train of thought, a perverted giggle escaped me as a blush colored my complexion and a smile spread over my lips.

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