Falling Apart

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As the sky began to transition between beautiful shades of pink, orange, and purple, I began to think more critically about my situation. I looked down at the figure whose hair I was currently combing my fingers through. Neither of us would be safe at the Hyuga compound now; there was no way we could be after what we both did. Luckily, I had a considerable sum of money stashed away, and I'm sure Neji did as well. But would he want to live with me? What were my options? Would he hate me now? Would my family track us down and kill us? Or worse? How would this affect my life as a kunoichi? God, we're so fucked.

I was interrupted from my spiraling by a small shifting in the person in front of me. I felt relieved as I heard him groan a little and look up at me.

"Neji?" I said quietly, not sure if he was still in pain.

"H-Hinata?" he looked around groggily, "where are we?"

"At Sakura's house," I assured him, "we should be safe for a little bit."

"Y-yeah?" he closed his eyes for a moment before looking back up at me, "What happened? Are you okay?"

"You're the one you should be worried about," I chuckled sadly, "but, long story short, I excommunicated myself from the family and took you down with me." He blinked up at me, shock and confusion evident.

"Y-you... what?" he began to try and sit up, but I pushed him back down.

"I'm... sorry," I felt tears welling, "I- I just got really caught up in the moment. I don't know if I've ever been so angry. They hurt you, and I couldn't just let them do that." I tensed a little as I felt a hand on the side of my face.

"Don't apologize," he smiled weakly, "we both needed to get out of there." I smiled back.

"I guess you're right... so, what do we do now? Do you have money saved?" Neji chuckled a little at that, wincing as a result.

"Right into business are you?" I smiled sheepishly as he continued, "Y-yeah, I do. We should probably get an apartment on the other side of town."

"Sounds like a plan. On a more immediate note, do you need anything..." I felt my heart drop as I realized how useless I had been, "Dammit, I should've gotten you pain meds, water, antihistamines even..."

"Hinata," I felt his hand on my shoulder now, "Calm down, it's fine. It's better that you were here with me than leaving me alone."

"Well... that's good. But what about now?"

"I guess I am a little hungry..." he mumbled, "and pain medication wouldn't be terrible."

"You sure you're going to be okay on your own?"

"I should be fine, but why? Do you need to leave?"

"Sakura's parents don't know we're here." There was a pause after that.


"Yeah, I kinda snuck in through the window... it wasn't safe to let them know we were here in case they tried to contact our family."

"I suppose you're right."

"And it wouldn't be right to basically steal their food and meds."

"Also right..."

"So, will you be okay?"

"Yeah, just don't be gone too long. I'll start to worry."

"No problem," I gently removed his head from my lap and situated him on Sakura's bed. I turned back to the window and climbed onto the ledge. I gave a final smile to Neji before jumping out.

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