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With a tired sigh, I dragged myself from the warm embrace of my bed, already feeling the emptiness of the house. Why did she have to leave? I guess it helped me realize that I have a problem, but... couldn't she be here to help me fix it?

Not like I was entirely on my own though. I scowled at the little black dog that sat expectantly on the foot of my bed; Sakura must've told her to watch me or something. I couldn't help but smile at that thought; she did still care about me.

I stretched, trying to think of what I'd do with my day now that she wasn't here to make things interesting.

Maybe I'd think about it over breakfast. I squinted out my window, not sure what I was trying to see through the piercing morning light, before I left my room to head downstairs. On the first floor, I had the odd sense that I wasn't alone all of the sudden.

I turned, peeking into the living room to surprisingly see Kiba passed out on my couch. He was lying face down, head buried in his arms as Akamaru laid by his side. Why was he here? To be fair I didn't quite remember him leaving yesterday, but I was expecting him to all the same.

I walked over, leaning over him before reaching out and poking him in the side. He reacted immediately, pushing himself and looking around frantically.

"I'm up!" he mumbled quickly, blinking in a groggy haze before he looked up at me, "Oh, shit, I fell asleep." he grumbled before glaring back down at the couch.

"Uh... yeah." I straightened up, crossing my arms over my chest, "Why didn't you go home?"

Kiba pushed himself up, a cacophony of joints popping as a result. He flexed his shoulders with a wince before shrugging, "I didn't think that you should be alone, and I was too tired to walk home anyways."

I didn't quite believe that. If it wasn't for the 'too tired' excuse being out of character for him and the way he stubbornly refused to look at me, I might've taken that as an excuse, but I wasn't going to worry about that at the moment.

"Was gonna make breakfast, wanna help?" I posed as more of a request than an actual question.

He nodded, "Sure man. Least I could do."

He stood up, following me into the kitchen where I opened the fridge to begin preparing the eggs. Kiba frowned, leaning over to take a look, "You guys make breakfast the same way all the time. Don't you get bored?"
"It's not lack of taste," I sighed, "It's lack of skill."

Kiba smirked, "Allow me to be of service."

I stepped aside so that he could pursue the fridge, pulling out the eggs, some cheese, some sort of vegetable that I had no care to identify, and bacon. He smiled at me, "It really isn't all that more difficult to just mix some extra stuff in."

"Okay Kitchen Samurai, just make the food then." I huffed.

Kiba snorted at the nickname, going back to the stove to turn it on and grease a pan,

"You actually make half decent eggs, so how about you get those started?" he requested, and with a scoff I grabbed another pan.

He set the bacon to cook, quickly going to the counter and chopping up the cheese and some onion-like smelling stuff. Scooping each into a bowl, he turned around and set them by me, "Add those into the eggs as you stir them."

"Jeez, give you a little bit of control and you start bossing people." I grumbled.

"Give you an excuse to complain and you turn into a whiny bitch." he fired back with surprising speed.

I stared at him, shocked, for a moment before looking back down at the eggs, "Sorry."

He glanced at me, a bemused smile on his face, "Do people normally not fight back?"

Reborn as Sakura and Hinata: Lost in the WindWhere stories live. Discover now