Skinned Alive

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This was not where I wanted to be. All I wanted to do was fucking sleep and now stupid Neji was taking me to the stupid psychiatrist because my stupid ass promised him I'd go. I didn't like how this place smelled; it was too perfumed. I didn't like how it looked; it was too sterile and perfect. It was too quiet.

I sat down with Neji on an expensive looking couch, and I briefly considered whether I'd make it dirty since Neji dragged me over here as soon as we were released from the exams. Akamaru sat in front of me, resting his head on my knee; he hated it here as much as I did.

A woman sat down in front of us; definitely a Yamanaka given her eyes and hair. She was pretty despite how scary and professional she looked, but I was more distracted by the sense that she'd be able to see right through me.

I tried to keep my nerves steady as I waited for her to speak; it'd be ridiculous if I broke down before we even properly began this damn thing.

"Mr. Inuzuka and Mr. Hyuga?" she addressed us. I cringed at the use of my last name.

"Kiba." I stated quickly, and the woman glanced up at me before nodding.

"I'm not here for an evaluation." Neji explained, "I just needed to make sure that he made it here."

"I promised you, so I'm doing it." I snapped.

The woman nodded, "So, what has brought you here today?"

Fuck, where to start? What did Neji even want from me? I glanced at him cluelessly, hoping that he'd explain to me as well why I was here.

He sighed, "I have had the sense for a while that Kiba might have some things that he needed to talk through, but..." he frowned, "I didn't realize how bad things were until the day before the Chunin exams."

The woman nodded, "This year's?"

"Yes," Neji confirmed, "He had come to my house to train with my little sister. I was under the impression that he had left by time she had come inside around 2:30." his frown deepened, "I went outside hours later to find that he had not gone home and had nonstop trained himself into a state of hysteria." a pained look passed through his eyes, "he hadn't done anything else for hours... his hands were a disaster, but he still insisted that he participate in the exams despite the fact that he could hardly move his fingers or keep even water down." he took a deep breath, "I am concerned that he now poses a danger to himself, and I'm scared what another episode like this might do to him."

I glared at my lap; okay, so that sounded pretty bad. I shook my head; was I really a danger to myself? Had I gotten that pathetic where people didn't even trust me with myself?

The woman looked up from her board, "Kiba, do you know why that happened?"

"I wasn't really conscious." I admitted, "I kinda blacked out after a while. Honest, I didn't know how much time had passed; it didn't even hurt."

"What led you to want and train alone then?" she prompted.

"I wanted to be a chunin." I answered simply, "It's the only thing I had to look forward to."

"Could you elaborate on that?" she requested.

Could I? What was there to say that would be concise? The more I tried to find a root, the more I realized how deep it actually went, "Maybe... I should just lay out a timeline, and then we could work from there?" I decided.

She gestured for me to continue.

"I always knew that my parents weren't going to work." I stated, and both the psychiatrist and Neji stared at me in shock. I guess they didn't expect me to start the timeline so early, "I wasn't stupid, although they acted like I was. Who knows, maybe I am stupid? Because I still wasn't prepared for the day that he left... Was I five?" I shook my head, "Doesn't matter, because back then I thought that it didn't really matter. Sure, it sucked and I missed him for a while, but I was happy, and then I went to school, and I thought I knew how to deal with those feelings." I frowned, "And then I realized that I didn't know how to deal with anything."

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