Ah, There's the Perspective

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I dragged Sasuke along as I marched angrily to my house. What the hell was this boy thinking? I knew, obviously, that this was going to happen and how he felt and all that shit, but what the hell did he do to Hina to put her in that state? I tried to push the image of her crying pale face out of my mind, the momentary desperation before she ran off to the bathroom to no doubt throw up. I could see the curse marking curling down her hand like vines. After I made sure Hina was at least kind of comfortable in her room, I left Neji a note on the counter explaining what had happened.

Sasuke didn't put up any struggle, seemingly stunned into a sort of silence. I kept silent as well, allowing my anger to stew and my thoughts to gather so that I could best verbally rip this boy a new asshole.

I opened my door and shoved Sasuke inside. He stared at the floor, not moving as I locked the door behind me. I pointed at the couch, glaring at him, and he sat down. I took a moment, breathing deeply before walking to stand right in front of him. He kept his eyes averted, a look between a pout and actual remorse on his face.

"So, what did you do to her?" I said quietly, still not able to repress the fury in my voice.

"I... just... she stopped my fight with Itachi, and I got mad at her." He grumbled, an indignant look on his face, "I didn't think she'd react like that."

I threw back my head and let out a harsh laugh.

"You didn't think she'd be upset with you?" I looked down at him with an almost disgusted expression, "You know what she did for you right?"

"She got cursed by Orochimaru." Sasuke shrugged, "But that doesn't mean she did that for me."

I resisted the urge to throw something at him.

"But she did." I growled. His eyes snapped up to mine, surprise turning into anger.

"But why!? I barely know her! Why would she throw her life away for someone she barely knows!?" He shouted.

"But she cares about you all the same." I shouted back, causing him to jump, "You remind her of others she's cared for. She cares for you anyways. She would've sacrificed herself for any of the genin of our class!"

"I don't understand it!" Sasuke leaned forward, voice climbing, "I don't understand why someone would sacrifice themselves like that!"
"Like you were about to sacrifice yourself for revenge!?" I shoved him back down, his face falling, "Where would that put her? Where would that put me? You idiot!"

"People make sacrifices, Sasuke, and it's our job to make sure that those sacrifices are worth something." I began, "Take Hinata for example, I think she's basically the queen of sacrifice! She left her fucking clan to be able to keep Hanabi and Neji safe, she lost so much to protect you, and with every life she saves she losses more and more of her sanity! The only way to make any of that worth it is if everyone stays alive!" I felt tears begin to fall as I looked around my empty house, "And even... I have sacrificed." Sasuke's expression turned to a worried confusion, "I will never be able to experience what it's like to be hugged by my family again." Sasuke's eyes widened as he looked around, noticing the sterile, unlived in environment, "But..." I looked down at him with a sad smile, "It would all be worth it if they lived happy and healthy on a farm far far away."

Sasuke looked down at his hands, not knowing what to say.

"And then there's you... acting like an asshole because you wanted some revenge." I sobbed.

"You don't understand!" He stood up, his voice not angry but almost desperate, "He killed my clan. He killed my family." his eyes began to well up as well.

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