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The whole morning felt like a vague blur. I woke up, not entirely feeling like I was fully awake. Entirely on autopilot, I dragged myself from my bed and to the kitchen to begin making breakfast. Everything hurt so fucking bad.

I leaned heavily on the wall as I entered the kitchen, practically collapsing against the counter. As I started to make breakfast, the smell hit me like a fucking semi. I gagged heavily, throwing myself towards the sink and praying that I wasn't going to vomit.

I had absolutely no idea what was happening. I felt like I was having the worst period cramps of my life. My back felt like it was on fire, the world seemed to be spinning around me, I was horrendously cold, and all I wanted to do was curl up and die. I somehow managed to not throw up, remaining slung over the edge of the sink.

I snapped back to reality when I heard footsteps approaching me from behind.

"Hinata!?" I felt a hand on my shoulder. It sounded like Neji's voice.

"Hm?" I lifted my head slightly, Neji pulling me up the rest of the way.

"What on earth are you doing? Were you asleep?" He held me in front of him, giving me a once over. I managed a weak nod, "Why were you- Are you-" he sputtered, shutting his mouth and taking a deep breath, "Would you like me to make breakfast?"

I nodded again, internally thanking the lord that I had started teaching him how. His brow furrowed.

"What happened?" he asked quietly, "Do you need... help? Or something?"

I shook my head slightly, but the motion made my vision blur and I collapsed against him. He made a distress noise.

"Um... okay... uh... you just need water, right?" He held me against him while making a desperate reach for the cups. I could hear panic building in his voice.

"I... think I'm just sick." I slurred. His eyes snapped back to me.

"You think so?" his voice was still laced with anxiety, "This seems bad." he mumbled frantically as he filled a glass and shoved it into my face, "Drink. Now. Please." I weakly took the cup, praying I wouldn't just drop it, and began drinking. I felt Neji start breathing again.

"Is Hanabi awake?" I asked numbly. Neji shook his head.

"As far as I know, she's still asleep." he glanced towards the hallway, "But, what about you?"

"I tried making breakfast..." I mumbled, "But I guess I fell asleep."

"Yeah." Neji took another shuddering breath.

"Are you okay?" I asked earnestly, "You seem stressed."

He looked at me disbelievingly, "You need to sit down." He proceeded to guide me over to the table, helping me into a chair where I finished my water and then leaned my head down.

I watched him pace a little, running his hands through his hair and mumbling to himself.

"Neji, just make breakfast for Hanabi." I sighed, "I just need to wake up."

He nodded and turned back to the stove, "You actually fell asleep in the middle of making breakfast." he whispered in what almost sounded like awe.

I hummed in agreement, burying my face into my sleeves. Unfortunately, any chances at getting more sleep were squandered by the horrific coursing pain that was spreading through my back. I suppressed the urge to whimper as I pulled my legs onto the chair I was sitting on, assuming what Sakura liked to call my 'gargoyle' mode.

I heard the soft clattering of a plate in front of me, and I glanced up to see a couple slices of plain toast. Neji placed a hand on my shoulder.

"Do we need to go to the hospital?" he asked gently. I shook my head.

Reborn as Sakura and Hinata: Lost in the WindWhere stories live. Discover now