The Legendary Toad Sannin

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I fluffed Naruto's hair excitedly as he carried me to our meeting spot. I was absolutely psyched because my sexy sensei had asked our team to meet up with him. Needless to say, I was dying to see him again.

"Mush my husband!" I nudged Naruto's sides, "we musn't delay!"

"Wow, you sure are excited to see sensei..." He muttered as he picked up his pace.

"And why wouldn't I be? Aren't you? To be able to bask in his splendor." I gushed.

"I don't understand you sometimes." Naruto glanced up at me uncomfortably.

"Love is not meant to be understood!" I declared.

"Love? He's our sensei."

"A wonderful sensei." I swooned.

I could practically feel Naruto roll his eyes as we grew closer to the meeting area. Sasuke was already there, waiting.

"'Bout time you two showed up." he grumbled.

"What's the point? Kashi will get here late anyway." I defended.

"I had to carry her! I couldn't exactly run." Naruto argued.

"Whatever!" Sasuke held his hands up, "I really don't care all that much. Just trying to make conversation."

"You have a funny way of 'making conversation'." Naruto scoffed.

Sasuke looked like he was ready to throw down, so I decided to step in.

"Hey, we should all hang out after the meeting!" I shouted over the two of them.

"Yeah?" Naruto looked up at me.

"Yeah, y'know, celebrate the end of the first part of the chunin exams."

"What would we do?" Sasuke grumbled. I guess that meant he wasn't wholly against the idea.

"I'm not sure! Get food?" I shrugged.

"Maybe we could do something after that too." Suggested Naruto.

"Yeah, we'll figure it out." I affirmed.

"Great plan you two have made." Kakashi was suddenly there next to us. Causing Naruto to jump and almost drop me. Kakashi grabbed me by the back of my collar to stop me from falling.

"Hello sensei~!" I swooned, "How wonderful of you to save me today!"

"The pleasure's all mine." He smiled back as he set me on the ground.

"What did you want to have us meet for?" Sasuke clearly wanted to get this over with.

"Yeah! Are we going to start some new training for the next exam!" Naruto bounced excitedly. I was surprised to see Kakashi sigh genuinely.

"I'm sorry to disappoint you." He began, "But I will not be handling your training Naruto."

"What!? Why?" Naruto deflated.

"Because I am taking Sasuke to train him alone. He has a lot he needs to work on, especially in regards to his Sharingan. Tomorrow we will be leaving for around a month."

"That's not fair! What are Sakura and I going to do!?" Naruto cried indignantly.

"Wouldn't it be better to train in a group for Sasuke? Why are you leaving me!?" I yelled angrily.

"Are you saying they're better than me?" Sasuke glared offendedly at Kakashi, who was watching us with an unusually unsettled look for him.

"Oh, this is going worse than I thought," I barely heard him mumble as he took a deep breath, "Listen, I know you may be displeased with this, but Sasuke has special skills that need special attention." He turned to Sasuke, "I'm not saying that you are worse than the others, just that you need to work on some things." He turned to Naruto and me, "Don't worry, we will be coming back and you will both be taken care of. If I remember correctly, Anko had taken you as a student, right Sakura?"

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