Of Hugs and Billy Pope

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Why hadn't I realized how awesome Sakura's parents were?

Maybe it was just the changes that were made to the world when Beth and I entered it, because there were changes, but that didn't change the simple fact that: her mom made awesome eggs and bacon, actually asked me how my day was, and gave me plenty attention and hugs; and her dad was hard working but still also asked me about my life as a genin and was super funny!

Those at least were my little observations as I chowed down on the awesome omelet her mom made while listening to her dad go on and on about his recent adventures on the farm he worked at.

"So, we had to unload a whole ton of manure yesterday," her dad began, basically bursting at the seams in anticipation to deliver his inevitable joke. I prepared myself because I knew quite well by now that he always had some sort of farming joke locked and ready, "When the carts came in, we were absolutely astonished at the amount of it!" Here it comes! "So, I turned to my coworker and said," he paused for dramatic effect, "This is a load of bullshit!"

He delivered the punchline with something like jazz hands, grinning at me widely, and, after a moment of silence, we burst out laughing as Sakura's mother entered the dining room with measurably less excitement.

"Language." She chided, although she still had a small smile on her lips.

Yeah, Sakura's parents were the best thing that ever happened to me.

"Sorry, darling." He sighed, giving me a look and dramatically rolling his eyes in a way that almost made me burst out laughing again. 'Mom' thankfully didn't notice the small gesture and seated herself at the table, 'Dad' then turned his full attention to me, "How's the training been kiddo?"

"Awesome!" I beamed, happy at all the progress I'd made given that I was new to this world and was somehow picking up some of the skills that were being taught. It was pretty cool given that I wasn't really able to learn anything in my world, at least, "I'm excited for today!"

Mom chuckled softly, giving me a quizzical look, "Don't you say that everyday?"

"How could I not!?" I gasped, what was there not to be excited for?
Dad seemed to pick up on that, narrowing his eyes in both intrigue and mischief, "Is it perhaps because there's someone you're always excited to see?"

I flushed immediately because, well, yeah that was exactly the reason, "Maybe."

"Is it that one boy everyone raves about?" Mom tilted her head slightly, expression pensive as she tried to recall the name, "Sasuke?"

"I'm sure she had standards, dear." Dad stated sarcastically, maybe clueing in that Sasuke wasn't at all on my radar, and I shook my head to confirm his conclusion.

Mom gave him a stern look for a moment before returning to her pondering, stirring her coffee absentmindedly, "Maybe that other boy... the little hyper one that you're always clinging to?" she proposed, "Naruto, is it? You seem to like him quite a lot."

"Getting physical with that one, hm?" Dad's eyes widened slightly with a genuine edge despite his attempt at a mock scandalized tone.

"Not him either!" I asserted with a shake of my head, "Naruto's just my friend. I'm excited to see someone else." We could let them hang onto that little bit of information, because there was no way I'd be telling them anymore. Not only because that would be awkward as hell but also because I probably wouldn't physically be able to get the words out without squealing.

"A mystery man is it?" Mom hummed, sharing an amused look with Dad who leaned forward apprehensively at the prospect of more information.

"Yep!" I nodded, jumping out of my seat with a smile, "And a mystery he shall remain!"

Reborn as Sakura and Hinata: Lost in the WindTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon