A Journey's End

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Mist shrouded the area around me. I could tell I was on a bridge, wood beneath my feet and water below that. Blood splattered the surfaces around me as my eyes scanned for any sign of life.

The sound of waves clouded my thoughts. The mist thickened, enveloping me in a sea of white. I tried to move but something kept me frozen in place. Was I scared? Who was here? What was happening? Where was anyone?

The sound of footsteps cut through my musings, resounding in my head with each fatal foot fall. A large sword scraped against the wood paneling as the tall figure came closer. In a swift moment, the sword came upwards, throwing me back over the railing into the murky abyss below.


I woke up a little disturbed, the dream quickly ebbing from my mind. Zabuza and Haku would attack today, I knew that much. I got myself together as quickly as I could to meet with my team before they left to aid in construction.

From my perch, I had an amazing view of the construction happening below me. By Kakashi's orders, I couldn't actively help with the building, but I had to help keep watch. I swung my legs idly over the ledge, lazily waiting for the plot to arrive.

And, lo and behold, the plot arrived with the distant sound of screams accompanied by a rolling fog. I jumped down from my perch, wincing a little at my aching ribs. Kakashi ran up to me as Naruto and Sasuke joined us.

"Listen to me very carefully," he commanded, "your jobs are to protect the villagers. Do not engage unless absolutely necessary."

"Aye, aye, captain," I affirmed with a salute, Kakashi gave me an exasperated look before disappearing into the mist. I watched as Naruto and Sasuke began escorting people off the bridge and heard the sounds of battle further off. I quickly found Tazuna.

"We should go!" I grabbed onto his arm.


"Back to your village. We need to regroup for later!"

"I don't understand you, young lady." he sighed tiredly.

A kunai came whizzing out of the mist as Haku came charging at us. His hair was really cute, huh, don't remember it looking like that. Sasuke flew to intercept him while Tazuna and I started backing away. I didn't know if this fight was going to go differently, but I knew it wasn't safe to stick around with the villagers. I quickly created two clones, one of me and one of Tazuna. There was no way I was just going to stand and watch the whole fight the whole time like an idiot. Tightening my grip on Tazuna's arm, I felt my back press against the railing.

"Hey, Tazuna," I began.

"Wh-what?" he looked down concerned.

"I'm sorry about this," I jumped backwards, dragging the man down with me into the awaiting waves.

I surfaced, coughing and sputtering. Why did I do this again? Oh, yeah, saving Tazuna. I can't swim. I flailed a little, reaching out to the dock that was luckily fairly close to where we had dropped. I dragged myself from the water, feeling arms reach down to help me. Tazuna glared down at me.

"It's not that I don't appreciate you saving my life," he sighed, "but your sensei is right, you need to work on your communication."

"You're welcome," I coughed before grabbing his hand and taking off down the dock.

We made it to the village after a while to utter silence. Many seemed to be hiding in their homes. I quickly ran to Tazuna's house, coming across the attackers. I crouched behind the door, hearing the men threatening his family. I placed a calming hand on Tazuna's shoulder as I felt him tense up in anger next to me. I burst into the room.

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