Pick up Lines and Dates

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I walked happily arm in arm with Naruto as we followed Kakashi to where our new mission spot was. I was a little surprised that we were having a mission though, given that Sasuke was still recovering. What could we possibly be doing?

"Kakashi," Sasuke almost whined, "You don't need to carry me."

"Sasuke, I'm not going to argue with you." Kakashi sighed, "You have the coordination of newborn deer."

Naruto let out a laugh, and I elbowed him, "Don't be a jerk!" I whispered.

"How am I supposed to 'rehabilitate' or whatever if you guys never let me do anything?" Sasuke groaned.

"That's what the point of our mission is Sasuke. You're going to get to do something, don't worry." Kakashi's voice had a hint of mischief in it.

"What are we doing Kakashi sensei!?" Naruto asked.

Kakashi paused at one of the side gardens of the Hokage's office, "We're going to paint a fence."

"I'm sorry what?" Sasuke deadpanned.

"You're joking right?" Naruto asked.

"Yeah..." I agreed, "This is a little..."

"Perfectly suited to what all three of you need to do?" Kakashi finished for me, turning to face us with an eye smile.

"How is this what we need to do right now!?" Naruto cried indignantly.

"Both you and Sakura need to learn patience and communication. If you both work together, this will be done with quickly. Sasuke, on the other hand, needs to focus on reorienting himself with only one eye. This is a hand-eye coordination activity that'll help him rehabilitate." Kakashi explained, setting a very clearly upset Sasuke down.

"But.. why this?" Sasuke grumbled, clearly embarrassed. Kakashi's face softened in sympathy.

"It was just what was available, and I wanted to make sure all of you were going to have something to do." Kakashi placed a supportive hand on Sasuke's shoulder.

Sasuke let out a huff, "Rehabilitation sucks."

Kakashi gestured to the paint buckets on the ground, "How about you two get started, and I'll help Sasuke with this section."

"But sensei~" I purred, "I want help too!"

Kakashi looked like he was in pain for a moment before letting out a deep sigh, "The point of this is so that you and Naruto work together."

I let out a huff, picking up two paint buckets and walking over to Naurto, "I guess we better get started, hm?"

Naruto nodded in defeat, taking one of the buckets, "How should we do this?"

"Well," I examined the fence in front of us, "Let's both start here and then just work down in the opposite direction of each other."

"So, uh," Naruto narrowed his eyes in confusion, "I go this way. You go that way?" He pointed as he asked.

"Yep!" I ruffled his hair, "Let's get to it."

'Getting to it' was a lot more boring than I was expecting it to be though. Painting a fence was nowhere near exciting, and the height of the fence made any progress in the horizontal direction difficult.

"Remember, Kakashi commented, the job here is to be thorough." he glared over at Naruto, who had done a very spotty job, "Missions require completion and efficiency. If you can't paint a fence properly, then how do you expect to fully complete a mission?"

"Got it! Got it!" Naruto pouted as he walked closer to me to redo his work.

"Kakashi," I began, noticing him tense, "I have a question for you."

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