The Big City

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"So, this is the main deal, huh?" Suigetsu mumbled as we approached the main archway of the village center.

"They've made so much progress!" Karin gawked as she ran her hand down one of the polished and painted pillars of the towering gate, "Some of these buildings actually look completed."

"I would hope so." I stated, "The farm towns are near completion, so I would expect that the amount of people we had working here would get some results."

"I hope it all went to plan." Karin's brow furrowed as we walked through the main street.

"Seems like it." Suigetsu shielded his eyes as he tried to scan over the buildings, "Hey, look," he pointed to a hillside and elbowed me, "There's your vineyard you alcoholic."

"It looks beautiful!" I gasped, deciding to ignore Suigetsu's insult much to his and Karin's humor.

"It's surprising how well this had been going." Jugo commented, earning a huff from Karin.

"Don't jinx us!" she cried.

He held up his hands apologetically, "I just can't believe we're pulling this off."

Suigetsu scoffed, "Yeah, and I can't believe the guy we got to direct this place has actually pulled through." he looked around, "Maybe we should go and try to find him to catch up on what still needs to be done."

Karin nodded, "Maybe you and Jugo should go find him." she suggested.

Suigetsu shot her a look, eyes narrowed suspiciously, "What are you planning to do with Hinata?"

Karin immediately flushed bright red, "N-nothing! It's just that she and I have the best idea what things should look like, so I thought we could do an assessment to see if everything that has been done is accurate!"

"That sounds like a good idea." I voiced, and Suigetsu rolled his eyes.

"Yeah, yeah," he grumbled, "Well, we'll go find our coordinator while you two make out or whatever."

Karin let out a scandalized gasp, but before she could murder him Suigetsu walked off with a smiling Jugo in tow.

I linked arms with her, quickly getting her attention, "C'mon," I gently tugged her the other way, "Let's take a look at everything."

She nodded, averting her eyes as we began our stroll through the streets, intermittently commenting on the placement of buildings and checking that they matched up with our plans.

"It seems like the main office is placed correctly, and I like the spacing of the police offices." I noted, looking down at the map.

Karin gazed studiously at the map, following where my finger pointed, "I agree... I wonder where the distillery is in relation to the vineyard though..." she scanned the area surrounding us to try and find it, huffing in frustration, "I wish we could get up high somewhere and properly see the layout."

"You know..." I hummed, "When you say it like that I feel kinda stupid for not trying this earlier."

Karin glanced at me in confusion before I activated my mark and transformed. She let out a surprised yelp as I spread my wings out, "Y-you're going to fly!?"

I turned to her with a smile that was perhaps a tinge too evil, "No, we're going to fly."

She barely had time to react before I ran up behind her, wrapped my arms around her torso, and took off. She screamed, wrapping her arms and legs around me and squeezing her eyes shut in terror, "You're insane!" she cried, "Put me down!"

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