Ramen with the Bois

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My thoughts were driving a mile a minute as I watched Katie... or Sakura rather, retreat into the building. I was Hinata now, and Katie was here too, as Sakura... damn that must have sucked to find out. Imagine waking up to being Sakura. I shook those more childish, petty thoughts off. Dios... had we really died? There was so little that made sense, but I still felt a profound feeling of loss. What would Mamá do without me? My brothers?

With a calming breath, I recognized that I didn't have the time to think about that. School was going to start any second now, and... if I was in this situation because I didn't want to be late, I better not end up late. I was glad I wasn't alone at least, had some guidance on what to do and what would happen, because otherwise I'd probably go into the fetal position going mad over how this had happened to me.

Those thoughts were completely blown away though as I entered the classroom. Holy shit, they were all so cute! Ino was as incredible as Sakura raved, gorgeous blue eyes in a perfect porcelain face framed by that wonderfully maintained waterfall of platinum. She was busy staring at the commotion whose epicenter I would have to have guessed was Naruto and Sasuke. I wasn't particularly interested in them at the moment, because they weren't particularly interesting.

Sakura seemed to think similarly as she planted herself next to Ino, so they had made up after all. That was nice. Spotting an empty seat behind them, I sat down, having only a moment to calm my racing heart and excitement before- Shikamaru and Choji sat next to me.

I might have accidentally taken someone else's seat, maybe Ino's, but I guess the two of them didn't account for her rekindled friendship with Sakura and they only gave me passive notice as they sat down, eyes glued on the row ahead. Gracias a Dios because I felt like I was about to explode. Shikamaru was my favorite character, in my opinion the best written and most interesting out of the Konoha eleven.

Glancing at him out of the corner of my eye, my brow furrowed. I just felt so weird, was this some sort of weird 'twelve year old influence' due to the body I was in? Or was I just fangirling?

Whatever the reason as to the weird fluttery feeling building up inside of me, which now that I thought about it could have just been giddy excitement, all of our attention was drawn to Naruto as he retreated out of the throng of girls, wiping off his mouth in flustered disgust. Sakura waved at him enthusiastically, jumping up, and we watched as he nervously made his way over, obviously not expecting Sakura to be kind to him.

"Sit with us!" She waved excitedly over her head, "C'mon, I don't bite!" That elicited a chuckle from Ino and an eyebrow quirk from Shikamaru. Yeah, she really didn't care about drawing attention to herself. Good to know she listened to my advice.

Naruto glanced around as if to see if she was addressing someone else before pointing at himself.

"Yeah, you," Sakura teased with a giggle, "Any other Naruto's around?"

That was enough validation for him to make his way into the row, "Uh, okay, I-I just didn't expect you to want to sit by me." he began to take his seat, "I kinda thought you-"

His statement was broken off in some odd choked noise as Sakura also retook her seat, which just so happened to be the seat Naruto was in. I felt myself blushing at the fact that, yes, Sakura was sitting in Naruto's lap, Shikamaru's other eyebrow raising to join the first, "So, I was telling Ino that..."

Sakura continued undeterred in her ramblings, leaving the poor boy with his brain practically melting over the fact his crush was basically sitting on his dick and definitely too stunned to keep up with the conversation. Shikamaru and Choji shared a look as I tried to be as inconspicuous as possible. On the one hand, it would be incredible to actually talk to them, on the other, what the fuck would I say?

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