Missing the same Person

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"Good going, kids." Anko smiled as she lined us up in the latest building they had decided to shove us in, hopefully this one wouldn't have any traps in it, "You all have a night's rest before you participate in the tournaments tomorrow!"

"One night?" Tenten groaned, "Jeez, I feel like I could sleep for a week after that." No kidding; they had to be trying to kill us.

"Make the most of it because you'll need all the energy you can get to show your stuff in the arena tomorrow!" Anko asserted before disappearing in an explosive puff of smoke.

I took a careful look at our surroundings. Just seemed like a normal room with couches and a kitchen built into part of it. The hallways were supposedly filled with rooms for us.

To say that I felt like I went through a gauntlet was an understatement; I don't think I could've felt worse if I had managed to spring every trap in there on myself. Unfortunately, before I could go curl up in a corner and dry heave until next century, I had to deal with the intense, disapproving stare of a mildly pissed off bug man who was currently trying to glare straight through the back of my head.

"We should check on your hands." Shino stated.

"Dude, I'll take care of it, okay?" I sighed. I just wanted to sleep; god just let me go sleep.

"Kiba." I cringed at the all too familiar stubborn tone, "How did you manage to injure your hands so badly before we even began the exams?"

Fuck. Shit, I was hoping he wasn't going to ask that, "Training. I was training." I answered as evenly as I could. Fuck I felt like I was going to pass out. Akamaru brushed against my leg nervously.

Shino's brows lowered, "How the hell did you do that training? Kiba, what happened?"

Tears pricking in my eyes, I turned on him, "Can we not talk about this right now!?"

Shino gazed at me in shock, and Izumi placed a hand on his shoulder, "Let's just drop it for now."

Neji walked up to us, "Kiba-"

"You, get the fuck away from me!" I spat, trying to get myself under control enough just to walk to a goddamn room. My vision was swimming and breathing was getting more difficult by the second. Akamaru put himself between me and the others.

Neji seemed hurt, but thankfully stepped back. Tenten came into my view, "Kiba, I want to heal you, okay?" she asked, "Follow me to a room."

Not really knowing what else to do, I nodded, her gently taking me by the shoulders and leading me to one of the rooms father back.

As soon as she closed the door, I did the one thing I've been wanting to do for days now, and curled up into a ball on the bed. I didn't care how fucking pathetic I looked; I just wanted everything to stop hurting. I tried to take a moment and breathe, desperately attempting to make the horrific nausea that was crawling up my throat go away. I just wanted to sleep; I just wanted to not hurt.

Which was why I was surprised when things actually started to not hurt as much. I opened my eyes, glancing up to see Tenten sitting on the bed next to me, holding green, glowing hands over my back.

"Do you still feel like you're going to be sick?" she asked quietly.

I shook my head, not quite trusting myself enough to keep my voice steady.

She slid her hand onto my shoulder, gently pulling, "Could you roll over onto your other side?"

I did so, every single muscle and joint in my body screaming in protest. I curled back up again, feeling Akamaru's weight join us on the bed and him stay at my feet. I flinched when she placed her hand on my side.

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