Abandonment Issues

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I stared at Naruto in disbelief. There was no fucking way. He couldn't be leaving after everything that happened! He couldn't be leaving me for years. I kept back tears though, what was the fucking point of them anymore. They never stopped people from leaving. They never made anything hurt less. Naruto's expression went from joyous to bewildered.

"Sakura, what is it?" he asked innocently, "I thought you'd be happy that I was training."

"Oh, I am." I growled, "But- Why does everyone have to fucking leave me!?"

"S-Sakura, I'm not- I don't understand!" Naruto took a step forward, reaching a hand out to me.

"I- I know, it's just that..." I reigned myself in. I couldn't let my temper ruin our last moment together for a year or more, "I'm sorry... I'm just really going to miss you."

Naruto nodded, frowning sadly. Wordlessly, he pulled me to him in a genuine hug, "I'm going to miss you too... it's going to be really lonely."

"Then you better make sure that you learn the coolest fucking jutsus on the planet." I squeezed him tighter, "Blow us all away."

"I will!" Naruto promised determinedly, breaking our hug with a resolute nod.

"I guess you need to go then?" I murmured, looking at the ground.

"Yeah," Naruto glanced solemnly down the street, "I'll see you soon. Alright?"

"Yes." I looked up at him, forcing a smile, "See you soon, husband."

Naruto grinned at the nickname, turning with a wave and walking away. I watched him leave, standing outside my door with a blank expression on my face. Nothing was fair. I stalked back into my house, slamming the door behind me.

"What's up, princess?" Jerry asked, leaning against the counter as I marched past. I didn't answer; there was no way anything nice was going to come out of my mouth. Ben placed a hand on Jerry's shoulder.

"Just let her be." he murmured.

I stomped up the stairs to my room, throwing myself into my desk chair. I was too angry to scream, so I guess I just had to work. I sat down and threw open the Hyuga book of seals, pouring over page after page. Something, anything to get my mind off of what was happening, that was what I needed. I remembered back to my promise to Lee when he was in the hospital. I had paused that little project, projecting memories onto paper. Maybe this book would have something I could use to finalize that seal.

I was pulled from a daze by a knock on my door. I let out a huff of frustration from what must have been an hour's long concentration streak being broken. I ignored the door, refocusing on the page I was on. I was closer now, I could feel it.

Another knock.

"What!?" I spat.

"Ben and Jerry made dinner." I heard Sasuke's voice from the other side of the door. Something about his tone made me pause; it lacked any attitude. I still was in too poor a mood to reward it though.

"I'm not coming down." I replied, "I'm working."

"Right." there was the attitude I was accustomed to, "Do you want me to bring you something?"

"Sure." I grumbled. Hearing his footsteps recede, I went back to my book. It was only a matter of time now before I cracked this seal.


Days had passed of me remaining alone in my room. My eyes burned from the strain of constant reading; I just needed them to focus just long enough to finish this line. I held the drawn on slip of paper out in front of me. I just hoped this would work. I pulled out a sheet of paper, placing it flat on my desk and drawing a matching symbol.

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