Too Little Too Late

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I couldn't be too late; I had to get there in time.

That was what was playing through my head on repeat as I flew through the skies to my target. Adrenaline coursed through me on a high that started the moment Itachi and Kisame told me that the fated encounter between Hidan and Asuma Sarutobi was about to commence. Was there any hope of me preventing his death? I had no clue, but I had to try.

So many people were relying on me at this moment: students, a friend, my sensei, and a future child. I didn't want to be the one to let them all down.

Was there going to be any reasoning with Hidan? We had grown close in a manner of speaking, often spending our free time doing some mundane activity while engaging in banter and some less than subtle flirting. That didn't change who he was though, and it didn't guarantee that this would be a situation I could talk my way out of.

The expansive clearing came into view, and my heart dropped when I recognized the blood deal and devilish appearance of Hidan. His head lacked any stitch marks though, giving a sliver of hope that I could pull through. I made sure my mask was on tight before I moved in.

The men surrounding Shikamaru cried out as I circled above the scene, drawing the other combatants' attention skyward.

I dropped down in between Asuma and Hidan, noticing that Hidan had just drawn out his staff, "Hidan, what are you doing?"

"What does it look like, bitch?" he snarled, "Why the hell are you here?"

"To stop you from wasting time and causing the Akatsuki more trouble." I retorted, "If you kill any one of these men it will bring their village after you and Kakuzu."

Kakazu studied me, glaring from where he was spectating.

Hidan threw his head back with a groan, "That doesn't matter! That's just more for me to kill."

"You've already found your bounty." I gestured to the people around me, "And none of these shinobi are it, so don't let yourself get distracted and finish the goddamn mission you were assigned."

"They attacked us, just so you know." Hidan scoffed, "And I don't give a damn about any fucking missions!"

"Leave, Hidan." I warned.

"I don't care about you damn paci-" he cut off when Shikamaru took advantage of his distraction to freeze him in place, "Goddammit! Look what you've fucking done!"

I was about to respond when I barely dodged an attack from behind. I whipped around to see Asuma running up behind me to try and catch me off guard. Shit.

I ducked as he slashed at my face, landing a couple blows to his chest to get him to back off, "I don't want to fight you." I stated.

He didn't respond, slashing at me again with his left. I deflected the arm inwards, sliding up behind him to put him in a headlock, "I don't want-"

I was cut off when he tried to stab at my hands, "You're Akatsuki all the same." he growled.

"Quick sand." I commanded, sinking Asuma's feet into the ground before turning, seeing that Shikamaru was attempting to do his shadow piercing technique on a now not circle bound Hidan, "Don't waste your energy!" I called out too late.

Hidan was released after the useless maneuver, stepping back into the circle and raising his staff, "Why are you ruining my fun!?"

I ran forward, catching Hidan's arm and twisting it to disarm him. Picking up the staff itself, I broke it over my knee and discarded it.

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