It Was All For Nothing

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I stood pensively waiting for any others to arrive, cradling my injured hand.

"Staring off into space with a scary look isn't going to make anything better." Temari murmured.

"You don't understand." I answered back, "So many lives are at risk right now."

"I know." She nodded solemnly.

"Are you sure waiting here is the best option?" Kurenai asked, turning to Kakashi.

"I would like to assess the situation before running blindly into what could be a difficult battle." Kakashi replied.

"Well... Naruto, Sasuke, and Kiba were the last to chase after Hinata, and they are the only ones still unaccounted for." I sighed, looking over the group. Choji was conscious, but only barely, and Tenten was completely out. Neji was injured, but stubbornly remained awake.

Kakashi nodded, "How many enemies?"

"Originally four, but a fifth joined." I answered.

"They had reinforcements?" Neji asked.

"I guess," I shrugged, "But as far as I know he was the only other one to join them."

"Thank you, Shikamaru. I think I will head out then." Kakashi turned to leave, but paused, eye narrowing.

"What is it?" Kurenai walked up next to him, looking off in the direction he was before her eyes widened, "The others are coming." she told us.

I ran up to stand beside them, seeing a group coming from between the trees. There were a couple faces I wasn't expecting though. Gaara walked ahead of the others, expression as unreadable as ever. Behind him, I saw Naruto cradling Akamaru in one hand, the other hand resting against Sasuke who was... being carried by Kiba. My eyes then fell on Kiba.

He stared at the ground, eyes wide and full of fear. He was ghost white with blood running down the front of his shirt and pants, Sasuke was on his back, and where his head was braced against his shoulder there was more blood. They seemed to be murmuring to each other, but I couldn't tell what was being said.

"Sasuke?" Kakashi and Kurenai ran to their side. Kiba shied away for a second, looking up distrustingly before registering who they were. Lee, who was standing on the other side of Kiba, moved out of the way so the Kakashi could get a better look at Sasuke. He placed a hand on his back, causing Sasuke to jerk his head up. He had a lot of bandaging around the left side of his face, soaked with blood. I realized that Hinata didn't seem to be with them. Had we failed?

When he registered Kakashi's presence, he reached his arms out to him like a small child. Kakashi reached out to take him despite his evident confusion, "What happened?" he directed at Kiba.

Kiba made no response though, his gaze returning to the ground. Kakashi looked down at the boy in his arms. Sasuke hid his face in Kakashi's vest, shaking violently. What happened? Where was Hinata?

"Kiba, what's going on?" Kurenai lowered herself to his eye level. He didn't even seem to notice her presence.

Kakashi patted Sasuke's back awkwardly, looking more than a little lost as to what to do, "Are you okay?" he finally asked, gently taking Sasuke by the chin to make eye contact, "What happened to your face?"

Sasuke stared back up at him blankly, seeming to be barely conscious.

"Kiba, you need to talk to me." Kurenai used a firmer tone, trying to make Kiba look at her. He swallowed hard.

"I... he... H- Hinata..." his voice could barely be heard, his distress becoming more and more evident.

"Did... is she not with you!?" Neji asked frantically, forcing himself to his feet, "Where is she? What happened!?" No, this was all wrong. Things shouldn't be happening this way.

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