Traveling Band

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"Sakura, are we going the right way?" I called out.

"Pretty sure!" she gave another unsatisfyingly vague response.

Why the hell did I do this? Why did I decide to come? I adjusted my bag on my shoulders with a sigh. I knew all too well the reasons for my decision; I guess now I was starting to regret it.

Or maybe not. Adventure came with hardship, right? I mean, sure our group was a little haphazard, and, sure, maybe we had no idea what we were actually doing, but this was all in the spirit of adventure!

And with adventure comes renewal, or something like that. I scanned the treeline next to us; was I actually going to find myself out here? It seemed to be the right thing to do at the time. Staying in Konoha was bringing me nowhere, and it wasn't like Tsunade was going to give us an interesting mission any time soon. I just had to be confident that getting some action would help me discover who Tenten truly was!

Speaking of 'action' though, my survey of our surroundings led Sakura to cross my field of view. I studied her for a moment as she energetically walked ahead of us, eyes moving down until I had to stop myself. She was straight! She had a boyfriend! I sighed to myself, having to be honest that 'adventure' and 'self-discovery' weren't the only reasons I had gone on this mission. I just had to remind myself that I'm not doing this to obtain that cute little ass; I'm doing this to protect that cute little ass.

Naruto fell into step beside me, acting aloof for a moment before leaning over to me, "So, what was that whole deal with you and Sakura?" he whispered.

"Wha-!?" I blushed, "What do you mean?"

"The kiss." he elaborated.

"It was a prank." I answered quickly, glaring at him, "That was all."

"But, I didn't know girls could kiss like that." his brow furrowed in confusion.

"Like...?" I could feel my face heating more as I remembered how... into the kiss I got.

Naruto shrugged, "I dunno, I didn't know girls did that."

"Girls just do that sometimes!" I blurted, realizing immediately what a terrible excuse that was.

Thankfully, Naruto was a massive dunce and just blinked in response, "Really? Why?"

"It's just a way some girls show affection?" I tried to explain.

Naruto tilted his head, and I realized a moron like him might get the wrong idea.

"You shouldn't do it though!" I quickly amended, "You shouldn't kiss anyone without making sure they're okay with it first!"

"Why?" I didn't realize that I'd be lecturing Naruto about consent, but it appeared he was but a naive child.

"Because everyone is entitled to their own body, and nobody has a right to do anything to it without their consent." I explained.

"But what about hugging and high fives and stuff?" Naruto seemed concerned now.

"Well, that's why you usually only do that kind of stuff with people you're friends with, and you know their comfort zones and all that." I answered, "You wouldn't go up and suddenly hug someone like Hinata, would you?"

"No way!" Naruto shook his head, "I'd be scared that she'd kill me!"

"That's because she isn't comfortable with that stuff, and you know that. It's the same with everyone. You usually don't go being all touchy with a person until you know them well enough and you both feel comfortable."

Reborn as Sakura and Hinata: Lost in the WindWhere stories live. Discover now