Batting Practice

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"I think I see it." Neji called out as we raced to find if the Gedo Statue was in fact where Sakura said it would be.

Sure enough, as we leapt up onto a plateau the gigantic form of a statue revealed itself. Seated atop some sort of flower-like structure, the vaguely man shaped structure loomed over us with its many eyes and an expression like a scream.

"It's... horrifying." Ino murmured.

"Yes," Itachi agreed, "So how about we destroy it."

"Are we sure this is our target?" Neji asked.

"What else would it be?" I huffed, "It's gross, big, and ominous, so it seems like a perfect thing for an evil plan."

"Let's not waste time and get to destroying it." Kakashi-sensei growled, taking a step forward, but freezing as a figure stepped out from around the statue.

"You are correct that this is your target, but I don't think you'll be destroying it." Obito hummed.

Kakashi-sensei took a step forward again, and Itachi had to grab his arm, "Don't underestimate him." he hissed. Kakashi-sensei jerked his arm out of his grip, glaring at Obito with a fury that seemed very unlike him. I didn't like it.

Obito tilted his head, "I can't have you destroying it when I'm just about to complete the first part of my plan." With that, he held up a portion of a tentacle, quickly putting it behind his back, "Don't act rash or this goes straight into the statue."

"Shit." Itachi hissed. I wasn't expecting him to swear; maybe he and Sasuke were more alike than I had thought.

"Obito," Kakashi suddenly spoke, "Just what are you trying to accomplish by doing this. You can't just be letting Madara puppet you. You were never one to do perfectly as told."

"You are right about that." Obito responded, "I have my own motivations for working with Madara, but I can't say I'm necessarily trying to solve anything."

My brow furrowed in confusion, "Then what's the point?"

"It's entirely a selfish cause," he shrugged, "I am as aware of that as any of you would be, and I simply want to live in a happy world." with a sigh, he looked up at the statue, "Madara's plan is the only way I can have that world, and, by doing so, I suppose you can say that I'm solving the human problem of suffering."

"How the hell are you doing that?" Kakashi spat, "You're just causing pain."

Obito shook his head, "That's the simplistic way to look at it, but, then again, not everyone agrees with the saying 'the ends justify the means'." he gestured to the moon, "The Infinite Tsukuyomi will end war, it will end conflict, and no one will have to know the daily fear of you or your loved ones dying."

"Perhaps you are the simplistic one." Neji crossed his arms over his chest, "You seek a solution to something that is inherent to life. 'Life is suffering', it's a Buddhist philosophy that, as far as I'm concerned, accurately depicts what living is. Life is struggle; it's a daily fight to acquire what you need so that you may see the next day. To try to end war is to deny the fact that humans will fight for resources and safety so that their own can live to see that coveted next day."

"Wouldn't you like to see an end to that though?" Obito posed.

"You're too idealistic." Itachi answered, "You're trying to solve the problems of life by removing what life is."

"That's besides the point." Kakashi scowled frustratedly, gesturing to Obito, "Haven't you already done what you set out to do? The major villages are united now, and it's very likely that we will all band together in a peace treaty."

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