Big Changes

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I plopped down on the couch excitedly, cradling the letter I had just received in my hands.

"Who's it from?" Ben called from the kitchen.

"Naruto!" I cried excitedly.

"Oh, that's wonderful!" Jerry popped his head into the room, excitement turning to confusion, "Who's that?"

I glanced to the side, making eye contact with Shino, who I had asked to join me for lunch, "This is Shino. He's a friend." I explained, hoping they wouldn't press it.

Jerry tilted his head, and I could practically feel the mischievous smile behind his mask, "Oh, a 'friend' huh?" he chuckled and moved to go back to the kitchen, "Tell me how Naruto is doing, kay?"

"Alright." I replied, glad that he decided to not bother me about the previous subject.

I opened the letter, leaning back against the couch. It read:

"Dear Sakura,

I hope things have been going alright for you because they've been great for me! I'm improving my rasengan, and pervy sage has taught me even more cool stuff, and I had my first growth spurt! I'm not going to be shorter than you anymore, and that's a promise!

I miss you a lot, and I even think I might miss Sasuke a little. I hope he's okay too and isn't being super annoying. (I don't know how you can live with him.) And I hope everyone else is doing okay too.

I'm a little bummed that I can't do the Chunin exams this year, but wish everyone else luck for me! And I hope you do well doing whatever Chunin do.

Good luck!

Naruto Uzumaki"

"Aw!" I couldn't help but cry as I held the note to my chest.

"Good news then?" Shino smiled, quirking an eyebrow at my reaction.

"Yes!" I carefully put the letter back in its envelope for safe-keeping, "He's getting stronger and growing! And he wishes us all the best of luck and hopes we are doing alright."

Shino smiled slightly, "Hm, that sounds like him."

"C'mon," I nudged him, "It's adorable."

He shook his head good-naturedly, "Yes, I suppose the child-like positivity of it is quite 'cute'."

"You always phrase things you don't understand like insults!" I huffed, "Being positive isn't childish!"

He held up his hands in surrender, "Okay, I get it. I'm glad he's apparently doing well."

"Sakura," our attention was drawn to 'Jeremiah', who was holding Lipstick with outstretched arms, like he wanted to keep her as far away from him as possible, "Why won't it leave me alone?"

"Why are you holding a dead dog?" Shino asked.

I let out an offended gasp and stood up indignantly, plucking my puppy from Gaara's arms, "She's not dead! She's Lipstick!" I then held her out to Shino, who stared as blankly at her as she did at him.

"That's a dead dog." he restated, "Is that the one Kiba and Hinata gave you? Why would they give you a dead dog?"

I plopped down next to him with a huff and set Lipstick on his lap. His arms immediately went up in shock as he leaned away from her, "Why are you putting it on me?"

I was stunned for a moment by hearing what a legitimately disturbed Shino sounded like, but quickly moved on, "To show you that she's not dead!"

In an uncharacteristic act of movement, Lipstick hopped off of Shino's lap and trotted over to Gaara flopping over onto one of his feet.

Reborn as Sakura and Hinata: Lost in the WindTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon