The Exams are Coming

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I shifted uneasily from foot to foot, hands folded neatly in front of me as I waited for my team to show up. Kurenai had expressed last time we had met that she had something very important to discuss with us, and I was unsure as to what it would be. Fiddling with the end of my sleeve, I immediately perked up when I heard footsteps approaching. Turning to look, I felt a rush of relief when I saw that it was just Kiba and Shino. Kiba beamed back at me and ran to join me.

"Hey, Hinata! How long have you been here?"

"Can't have been more than five minutes." I chuckled at the look of exasperation on his face.

"Damn, why do you always come so early anyways?" he scoffed.

"I just really never want to be late." I shrugged.

"I suppose that makes sense." Shino commented.

I felt something tug at my pant leg and looked down to see Akamaru playfully biting the cloth. I crouched down to pet him.

"Akamaru!" Kiba sighed, "leave her alone."

"Oh no, it's alright," I said as I began to pet him, turning my attention to the puppy.

"Hiya, sweet one, how are you doing today?" I purred as I scratched behind his ears.

It felt pretty good to be able to pet a dog without getting all itchy and gross feeling.

Kiba crouched down next to me, watching me. I tried not to focus too much on it, but I couldn't help but wonder what he was thinking.

"Wow, Hinata, I've never seen Akamaru act like that," he began, "he usually doesn't like other people touching him all that much."

"Yeah?" I absentmindedly asked, moving to cup Akamaru's little face and rub under his chin.

"Yeah, he's being really chill actually," Kiba responded, "'specially with you touching around his face and mouth like that."

"I've actually had quite a bit of experience with animals," I stated blankly, caught up in what I was doing, "I know how to read them. I wouldn't be doing this if I had the sense that he was uncomfortable or agitated, and he clearly isn't." I smiled, enjoying the look of pure bliss on the puppy's face.

"That's pretty cool!" Kiba grinned, "You really are somethin' Hinata." He placed a hand on my head when he said that, and I paused, my whole body tensing for a moment from the sudden contact. Kiba leaned forward a little to look at me.

"Hey, Hina, you okay?" he quirked an eyebrow.

"Y-yeah, I'm fine!" I spluttered out, "I just wasn't expecting the..."

"Oh!" his eyes widened in realization, and he lifted his hand a little, "sorry, I didn't-"

"No!" I blurted out, "It's fine!"

We both sat there for a moment, staring awkwardly at each other, his hand hovering ever so slightly over my head. I suddenly became very aware that Shino was just watching all of this. We both relaxed a little, Kiba settling his hand back on my head.

"Do you like it or something?" Kiba smirked at me, making me avert my eyes and blush in embarrassment. He began to sort of pet my hair.

"Damn," he chuckled a little nervously, "Your hair is really soft."

I gave a little hum of agreement, reveling in the sensation and feeling myself relax involuntarily. "Genetics I guess." I answered lamely, beginning to pet Akamaru again.

"Interesting." we both glanced up to see Shino observing us. Kiba, seeming to have forgotten he was even there, flushed and quickly removed his hand from my hair.

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