Girl Talk with the Bois

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Where was I?

Opening my eyes, I found myself lost within a world of white, heavy mist coating my surroundings in a cold, calming dew. Specklings of different colors and shapes poked from the sea of green that expanded far into the haze, and I turned my head to see that grass and mist was all there was. Feeling something brushing at my palm, I dragged my hands forward to feel long blades of grass trail across my fingers.

My hands... I held up my palms to my face, they didn't look like mine, tiny and pale, turning them over to reveal short, black nails. These were not my hands.

But what interested me more was the long but shallow cut across the right palm, looking like a fresh wound although nowhere close to dangerous. It still looked like it hurt, though, kind of stung, but distantly.

I stood, looking down at dark clothes before a gust of wind buffeted me backwards, tossing dark curls into my face. Who was I? What was this?

But all of my questions were halted as the mist parted in the wind, revealing a bandaged figure wielding a large sword. I took a step back, no, wait, why was this happening? Why was I here? Why was he here?

I tried to run, but no sooner had I turned did a sparking pain light up my back and run me through. It was odd, it was painful, but it felt so disconnected at the same time, and my eyes dropped to see the source of the disturbing sensation.

The blade now run through my chest and into the ground, seeming impossible with how tiny my frame was, and as my vision began to fade red dropped into the sea of green before the blade was unceremoniously pulled from me, my face falling into the ground where the world went black.


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