The Chunin Exams: Snake Spiders

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"I can't believe that you are such an actual massive moron that you'd sleep through the Chunin exams."

I tugged against the hand that was currently locked around my wrist, feeling more than a little tired at this point of the constant complaining, "Sasuke, I'm awake. We're in the building. Shut up."

That only seemed to bother him more, though, as he wiped around to glare at me, "'Shut up'!? Is that what you told your alarm clock as well?"

"No." I finally snatched my arm back from him, rubbing it indignantly, "I don't have an alarm clock."

"How do you not have an alarm clock!?" he shouted incredulously. I couldn't help but flinch at the sudden jump in volume; was this how I sounded to other people? But besides that, I just couldn't get why he seemed set on being angry at me despite the fact everything was fine. I guess that was just one of the many mysteries of Sasuke.

"If you two are done with your lovers' quarrel, you're attracting a lot of attention, and we should actually get to the exam room." Sasuke immediately flushed bright red as Yui came to stand next to me, looking as unimpressed as usual.

I shot Sasuke a satisfied smirk and headed off towards the room, scanning the space to find where our friends were waiting. Knowing Hinata, she'd probably already been here for an hour or more.

"Oh, hey, you guys made it."

We turned to see Kiba walking up to us, holding onto Hinata's hand and pulling her over like she was a little kid or something. It was weird to think that I'd be having to work with her this time; we never had really talked all that much, and, while I was sure she was cool and all that, being friends with Sakura and all, I couldn't help but be a little intimidated by how serious she looked.

"Of course you're here." Sasuke scoffed, crossing his arms over his chest like that was somehow a bad thing.

"Yeah, I'm a good boyfriend." he replied flatly, "But I guess I shouldn't be surprised that you're confused."

I quickly covered my mouth to stop myself from bursting out laughing as Sasuke stared at Kiba in dumbstruck rage. How Kiba had somehow become good enough friends with Sasuke where he could get away with shit like that I would probably never understand.

"Be nice!" Hinata gasped, trying herself not to smile, "You don't need to eviscerate him."

"He tries." Yui shrugged, hugging onto Sasuke's arm, "That's good enough for me."

Sasuke scowled down at her, "Thanks for the defense, babe."

"You're welcome." she smiled, leaning against his shoulder.

Okay, now things were getting a little too gross and lovey for me, "So, Hinata," I thought it wouldn't be bad to get down to business, "How're you feeling about the exams?"

She gave an indifferent shrug, distractedly scanning the crowd around us, "We should be fine. We're way overqualified, and our teammate probably isn't going to give us any trouble. If everything goes as planned this should be a cakewalk."

I wasn't exactly expecting that blunt and confident of a response, and I couldn't really get a handle on how she was feeling since she seemed to be looking everywhere but at me. She did have a point though; I certainly wasn't too worried about it.

Kiba looked at her before leaning towards me to whisper, "She's actually super nervous." Her head snapped in his direction terrifyingly quickly, and he held up his hands defensively, "Don't pretend you aren't."

She pouted and turned away from him, and I found myself completely confused on how to read her once again. How the hell could anyone tell what she was thinking?, "Well, I don't think we have anything to worry about... I mean, you put it pretty well yourself."

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