The Six Paths of Pain

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 I sat down, taking a deep breath as I began the seal. Hopefully I hadn't missed any spots or this whole endeavor would've been pointless.

I took a few food pills in my hand, throwing them back before activating the seal. Shit, this was going to be difficult. I could already feel the draining effect of a mountain-wide barrier seal eating away at my chakra.

Takumi glanced down at the large bottle of food pills at my side, forehead creasing in concern, "Are you sure you should be slamming those?"

"I'm going to need all the energy I could get if this is going to work." I replied tersely, "And I'm going to need focus too."

He held his hands up in surrender, planting his trident in the stone in front of him as he gazed out over Konoha, "Nice place you guys have here."

"We wanna keep it that way." I affirmed, and he nodded.

"Wish it was closer to the ocean though." he sighed.

"Homesick already?" I smiled softly.

He shrugged, "Never really had a 'home', always considered the ocean to be my place."

"That's a pretty big home." I joked.

He smiled, "Yes it is."

My attention was drawn by the sound of two approaching figures, Kakashi and Tsunade jumping up the mountain to join us.

"How is everything going?" I asked.

"The teams have been made and dispatched." Tsunade affirmed, "Anyone who isn't on a team is searching for civilians or making clones."

"And the border guards?" I continued.

"Prepared." Kakashi responded.

"What do we need to do?" Tsunade questioned, "I would assume you have stations for us as well."

"I do, and it's one of the most important." I frowned, not happy at the inherent risk, "The Deva path, the one that looks like Yahiko, is the most dangerous."

"We will be fighting him, then." Tsunade concluded.

"Please, do not underestimate him." I pressed, "He could level Konoha in a single attack."

"He has a gravitational power, correct?" Kakashi prompted.

"Yes, and he can use it on practically anything." I explained, "You, jutsus, the ground, anything. You need to hold him off, because Nagato is most likely going to panic when he realizes we are prepared for him and will try to group the paths. They are a lot more dangerous when combined, so you're going to have to try and keep him away from the others."

"Anything specific we should watch out for?" Kakashi inquired.

"The animal path can summon the other paths." I stated, "If you can't find him or he disappears, look for animal summons as that might be where he is."

"Will you be okay up here?" Kakashi frowned worriedly, "Your position is completely exposed."

"No choice." I dismissed, "Besides," I smirked at Takumi, "I got Aquaman protecting me."

Takumi grinned, giving Kakashi a thumbs up, "She'll be fine, don't worry."

Tsunade and Kakashi nodded, Tsunade giving me one last look, "Are you happy with the other groups sent out?"

"No," I admitted, "Everyone that sent out is basically a sacrifice; I don't like it, but it's necessary."

Kakashi sighed, "They aren't sacrifices, Sakura, they are going to be fine."

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