Fix This

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I kicked open the double doors of the armory, anger fueling my destructive urges. Anko turned around without her usual enthusiasm, having learned to read my mood by the various ways I've entered.

"Alright, kid, what's the problem." she asked knowingly.

I reached back outside and tugged Sasuke into the armory, "This."

Anko blinked at me in confusion, "Sasuke?"

"This here, is the problem that I discussed with you earlier this week." I pointed to him, refusing to even look at him.

"Ah," Anko nodded, "I see. So, uh, you want me to dispose of him or something? Cause that's illegal."

"No, no, I don't want him dead!" I cried exasperatedly, "I just want him out of my sight for a week!"

"Oh, okay." Anko nodded again before her brow furrowed, "Why bring him to me though?"

"I want him to learn some advanced sword techniques. If he's going to be away for awhile he might as well learn something." I huffed.

"Oh, okay," Anko paused, "You sure you want to leave him here? I could, like, break him."

"Yes, because if I have to look at him anymore, I'm going to kill him." I seethed, "I just need a break so that I can love him again."

"Wait, you're not seriously-" Sasuke blurted.

"I'm sorry!" I shouted, interrupting him, "Did I say you could speak to me!?"

Sasuke gazed at me in disbelief before sighing in defeat and glaring at the ground.

Anko's eyebrows raised, "Damn, this is pretty bad."

"Yeah, well, you already have gotten an earful of why." I scoffed, "I would appreciate it if you could iron out the fucking issues with him and give him an edge in sword combat." I turned around to walk out.

"Oh, hey," Anko called out to me, causing me to turn around, "How's the seal been going?"

A smile formed on my face at the change of subject, finally, something to be happy about for once, "I made a breakthrough a while ago."

Anko gave me a thumbs up, "Awesome! I'll make sure to take care of this 'issue' for you as thanks."

"Thank you!" I chirped as I closed the door behind me.

Let's just hope I wouldn't regret this decision.


I stared at the door for probably way too long as I tried to process what had just happened. I mean, I knew she was upset and everything, but that upset?

I removed my eyes from the door to find Anko studying me from across the room.

"You've messed up big time buddy." she stated, picking a katana off of the table and throwing it at me.

I stumbled backwards, the blade clattering on the floor at my feet, "I- I don't even know what I did." I muttered, starting to feel a little panicked.

Anko let out a huff, "Did you forget that you beat up another kid for no reason?"

"That's it!?" I paled at the way Anko glared in response, "I- I mean, I know it was really bad!" her glare turned unimpressed, "But- But I didn't think it would make her that mad at me!"

Anko's gaze turned more analytical, "I think I know what the problem is." she sighed heavily, standing up from the table and picking up a sword of her own.

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