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"Hi", I smiled. I didn't know who this Ed person was but he was also British and he had a very sexy smile. He was wearing all black and had arms full of tattoos. He seemed mysterious. I like mysterious.

"I saw you here and I wondered why such a beautiful girl like yourself was sitting alone."

"Oh.", I blushed. He called me beautiful. "No reason, I just don't have any company."

"I see. Can I buy you a drink?", he asked.

Damn it. Should I tell him I'm underage or go a long with it?

"I'm actually 18", I said before thinking about what I had just said.

"My bad. I should've asked how old you were. Do you have a name?"

"Yeah, I'm Alex. My bad I should've told you my name before you offered to buy me a drink", I joked.

"Haha. You're cute AND funny.", Ed said looking down not realizing how much I was blushing.

"You know, I'm a singer", he said looking up at me.

"No actually I didn't know that." I replied feeling kind of bad. I didn't listen to the radio that often so I wouldn't know. And I don't like tv because the Kardashians are everywhere and they're not worth watching.

"You've seriously never heard of me?", he asked shocked.



I shook my head.

"Lego House?......."The A Team....?"

"Okay those don't even sound like song titles."

"Tell you what? How about I take you back to my place, I sing you a few a my songs, and I give you a copy of my albums."

"Alright. Let's go."

I finished my biscuit, took one last sip of my tea and took off with Ed to the parking lot. He opened the door to the passenger seat for me and I got in. He got in the other side and we were on our way to his house.

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