Always in my Head Pt. 2

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Quick A/N:
Hey guys. Sorry I haven't updated in  3 months. I just haven't had time to write but please enjoy this chapter...

Alex POV:
Today is the first day of school. Great. Lucky for me it's my last year. Then I can get away from some of these twats in a few months. My birthday was also a few weeks ago. I just turned 17 and honestly I feel like 17 is the age you can't be taken seriously. Some may see you as an adult because it's one year away from 18 but others may see you as a child because it's only a year old than 16. Long story short that's why I did nothing for my birthday. Chris was worried and thought I was sick but I just didn't want to celebrate my birthday. That's all. I've also kinda been avoiding Jonsey. Don't get me wrong, I love him as a friend but I just don't see him as boyfriend material. It's just he's been there for me and don't want to hurt him. Also, I love Gavin. We would be together right now if that girl wasn't here. What was her name again? Windy? Mindy? Cindy? Either way, I don't like her.

I finish curling my hair and then I walk over to my mirror. I had to admit, I was looking good. I was wearing a black blazer, a black top, purple shorts, and my galaxy colored vans.

I grabbed my messenger bag and hurried down the stairs where Chris was already waiting for me.

"They just pulled up", he said kinda eagerly.

"Why do you seem so happy?"

"Since you're going to be at school, I won't have to worry about if you're safe. So, I actually have some free time. I'm going to hang out with the guys."

"You could do that when I'm at home. I'm not 5, you know."

"Yeah, I know. But now I also know you're safe, so I can go have fun and not have to worry."

"Okay, dad."

"Have a good day.", he said reaching down to kiss my cheek. "Now go, I want to leave out."

I sighed and headed out to the driveway. I walked over to the car and opened the back door of the car. But to my surprise that girl was sitting in my usual spot between Leah and Taye.

"Come around to the passenger's side.", Jonsey calls out to me.

Great! First this bitch takes my man, then my seat, and now I'm forced to face Jonsey.

I walk around the other side of the car and get into the passenger's seat. I still find it weird because the passenger's seat is usually on the left rather than the right. But then again this is America. I get in the car and I'm greeted by a bunch of "hi's" and "hey's".

"I hope you don't mind, Lauren's going to be riding with her boyfriend from now on so I figured you could have her spot.", Jonsey says looking at me.

"It's okay.", I lie not making eye contact.

"I don't know if you guys, officially met but Alex, this is my girlfriend, Wendee", says Gavin

Oh right. That's her name.

"We did meet actually, at the bowling party.", she begins.

Her voice is already beginning to annoy me.

"Yeah and my dad is dating her ex step mom."

Thanks for telling all my business bitch.

"Wait...your dad is dating Gwyneth?", Taye asks excitedly.

"Yes. She's so nice."

She's lying.

"Why didn't you tell us Chris and Gwyneth were separated.", Leah asks concerned.

"More importantly, why didn't you tell me Chris was single.", asked Taye.

"Because I felt like it wasn't my place to tell.", I say side eye glaring at Wendee.

"Well it's no longer a secret.", Wendee says sounding a bit too happy. "Gwyneth, Moses and Apple live with me now."

Bitch. Could you not?

"Okay, okay, okay, I think that's enough talking about my family.", I cut in. "What's up with you guys"

One by one everyone begins to talk about what they've been up too. I tune them out, not intentionally but I just can't help but be annoyed. This Wendee girl needs to watch it.

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