In My Place (pt. 3)

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Alex POV:

As psyched as I was that Phil was staying with us and that we had all made up, I remembered that it was only Thursday. That meant I had one more day of school left to deal with. I tried to mentally prepare myself but I knew it was gonna be tough. I had cooking AND French with the two minions, Red Robin and Australia, in addition to civics with Jonsey. Luckily I could go home after civics. I took a few deep breaths, trying not to dwell on the situation. Instead I focused my attention on Phil, who was trying to persuade my dad into ordering Thai food for us. My dad eventually gave in but we went out to eat instead.

At the restaurant, I was able to forget my problems and I actually enjoyed myself. For the first time in a while I was happy. I was surrounded by people who loved me, people who cared about my best interest at heart. I couldn't be happier! That was until.....

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