A Rush Of Blood To The Head (Pt. 2)

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Alex POV:
"Honey, I know this isn't what you want to hear but it's true.", Leah sighed. "It's all facts."

Before I could reply, my father beat me to it.

"Alrighty everyone! It's time to board the plane", he announced to the group. "Our flight takes off in 15 minutes. Let's go!"

Everyone huffed and puffed with relief while eagerly trying to grab their luggage. While everyone rushed to get to the plane, I trailed behind caught up in my thoughts. I guess my father noticed.

"Alex? Are you okay?", he asked slowing down as I caught up to him.

I nodded.

"Is this still about what we talked about earlier at the bowling alley?"

Well thanks for reminding me about that. As if I wasn't feeling down already.

I shook my head.

"Sit with me on the plane."

"I thought you were sitting with Apple and Moses", I said which came out like a question.

They're sitting with their mother.

"Okay", I shrugged.

We boarded the plane and I wasn't to keen on the seating arrangements. I had the window seat, my father was next to me in the middle, while Phil was on the end in addition to Gwyneth and the kids being in front of us. Next to us across the aisle was Guy, Jonny, and Will with Bruno, Leah and Lauren in front of them.
Don't get me wrong I loved my siblings but I didn't want to hear their talking during the long flight. I also felt uncomfortable with the fact that whenever I tried to get the attention of Leah, Lauren or a flight attendant I'd have to see Guy.

The flight attendant got on the mic and did the whole safety speech but I wasn't paying attention. I began to dose off when my phone got a notification right before the plane took off. It was from Guy.

"I'm sorry My Love. Your father just kept questioning me and I didn't know what else to say. I hope you understand. 😘"

What a minging blighter! Fine he isn't physically a minger but he is one on the inside. This arse really thinks I'm a wally! Already annoyed I turn off my phone altogether them lay my head on the window. My dad was staring at me the whole time.

"Alex please talk to me", he begged. "You seem miserable and this is supposed to be fun."

"I'm just....tired.", I lied. "We've been up all day getting ready for the show then the ride there was long and I...I...I just need some sleep. Okay?"

He looked at me mortified. It was obvious I was a mess. I wanted to start crying now but didn't know why. Instead of saying anything else he just patted my hand. I leaned back onto the window and closed my eyes. I managed to sleep the whole way.


I woke up but the rest is a blur mainly because I was still mentally asleep. All I know is we somehow got to London and I was trying to keep my eyes open in the hotel lobby as we were being checked in. I felt a slap on my shoulder which aggravated me more than it should've.

"What?", I asked loudly but not quite shouting.

I saw a hand next to me point at something. Or someone. I rubbed my eyes to clear my foggy vision seeing Lauren was pointing at Tracey. Tracey Ramirez. As in Gavin's mother.

"Girls!", She screamed walking over to us. "I didn't know you all would be here", she said pulling all of us into hugs. ¡Tanto tiempo sin vernos! (translation: long time no see)

"Yeah. We've just been busy lately", Lauren replied.

"Well it's time to relax now. We're on vacation!", she exclaimed. "The family was going out to eat later. You all should join us!"

The three of us stared at each other with a loss for words. Noisy Gwyneth must of overhead the conversation and couldn't help but come add her two cents.

"Yeah girls. If you wanna go it's fine. You're not gonna miss anything.", she told us before turning back to Tracey.

"Gwyneth. Alex's stepmother.", she introduced her self putting her hand out.

"Patricia. But you can call me Tracey.", Mrs. Ramirez greeted shaking her hand.

"But yeah if you guys wanna go it's totally alright. We're just gonna be in the hotel all day relaxing trying to get rid of the jet lag."

"I thought my father needed my help with something though.", I said trying to play it off.

"And I think Alex needed us to help her with what her father needed help with.", Leah added to my bluff.

"Girls. It's okay! I can help Chris with whatever it is. Alex just consider it as one of many birthday gifts I owe you.", Gwyneth assured us.

Oh now she wants to be nice. Out of all the times in the world now she wants to be Mrs Helpful.

"Great! I'll see you girls in the lobby at 8. Don't worry about money. It's on us.", she smiled before walking away.

"Oh isn't this exciting?", Gwyneth asked a little to happily. "A nice free dinner on your first night in London. I'll help you guys get ready. You guys are going to look great", she cheered while leaving us.

We all just stood there frozen. What in the bloody hell did we just get ourselves into?!? This was going to be one helluva night.

A/N: I AM SO SORRY. I originally finished the story already and had it in my notes but now they're all gone. GONE! I checked my iCloud and everything. My original plan was to upload everyday last week before the New Year but I guess not. But I'm very thankful for the support and you guys constantly telling me to update because that must mean you guys like it. I started writing this book when I was 17 and 13K reads later I'm still shook that people like it. I hope you all have a very Happy New Year and may all of your dreams come true in 2017!

~Lexi 💋

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