Your Love Means Everything

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Alex POV:
Chris came up to my room a little bit later.

"Alex, why are you so mean to Gwyneth?", he asked.

"Because she's pregnant and it's not your kid.", I blurted out, feeling bad afterward.

We were both quiet for a few minutes before he replied-

"I know."

"What?", I asked shocked. He had managed to stay calm the entire time.

"You don't think I saw the pregnancy test in the garbage? Alex, I'm not stupid."

"So why haven't you confronted her about it?"

"What do you mean?"

"She thinks you don't know."

"I want to give her a chance to explain what happened."

"Dad, she's never going to explain what happened. She told me she was never going to tell you. Matter of fact she was supposed to get an abortion today but I canceled her appointment."

"Now why would you do that?"

"Because I wanted her to tell you... but that was never her intention."

"I understand all of that but it is not your job to make her do anything. You're 16. She's a grown woman, she can do what she wants."

"Sorry. I was just trying to protect you from getting hurt."

"I know. And I know you had a good intent but next time just stay out of it. Let me handle a situation like that. Ok?"


"And another thing. We still need to discuss what happened at the funeral."

"I wish I could tell you why I did that but to be honest I don't even know myself."

"You humiliated me in front of a lot of people."

"Humiliated you? That was nothing compared to the way you humiliate yourself when you sing that horrible chant towards the end of Viva la Vida. But you're right. I think my emotions got the best of me. I'm sorry dad. I love you."

"Sweetie, I love you too. You know I could never stay mad at you.", he said before kissing me on the head.

"Well I have to go get something to eat, 'coz I'm pretty hungry", he said getting up and walking towards the door.

"Oh and one more thing: FYI fans go crazy for the chant."

A/N: So how are you guys enjoyimg the story? Sorry for not updating on Sundays.

~Lexi (I'm uploading from my computer so I can't put the kissing emoji :/)

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