Every Teardrop Is a Waterfall

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A/N: okay sorry I keep starting out my chapters with authors notes but I just wanted to say expect an update every other Monday and Saturday. I felt like it wasn't fair to just update one day every other week so here ya go. Oh btw I've had a lot of school work so that's why I haven't been updating. And for this week only you get an update today (Saturday), Monday, and Tuesday because I don't have school on Tuesday wooo-hooo lol jk. Last thing is THANK YOU GUYS SO MUCH FOR 800+

Alex POV:

I spent the rest of the day casually strolling around town with Gavin; we went to stores, we saw a movie, then we got food. When I got home that evening I was surprised to see that Chris wasn't there. I really wanted to talk to him about this morning's incident. Just then I decided to call my mum. I hadn't heard from her since I was living with her while Chris was in the hospital.

I picked up my phone and dialed her number but her phone went straight to voicemail. Okay maybe she's at work. I called her work number but that number was disconnected. What the hell? Luckily I had her boss, Maurice's number so I called him.

"Hello, Maurice Margott speaking. How may I help you?"

"Hey Maurice, this is Alex."

"Oh hey sweetie. How are you? How's your mother?"

"Good but actually that's what I was calling you about. My mum doesn't work for you anymore?"

"No, she actually quit 3 weeks ago"


"Yeah, you didn't know?"

"No, I've actually been living with my dad for a month now. Do you have any idea where she could be?"

"I don't. I wasn't even here when she quit. I got the news from another employee. Sorry kiddo."

"Thanks for the help...I guess", I sighed.

"I'll call you if I find anything about her okay?"

"Okay. Bye Maurice"

"Take care, Alex"

I hung up the phone in total disbelief. I couldn't believe my mum was missing.

I slid my phone into my pocket and took a 20 minute walk to the apartment complex she and I used to live in. I still had my keys to the flat so I unlocked the door to be confronted with my worst nightmare. Tears filled my eyes as I took out my phone to dial....

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