Warning Sign Pt. 1

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Alex POV:
10 minutes go by and we finally get to school. I'd never thought I'd say this but I couldn't be happier just so I could get out the car with this girl. Who does she think she is? And what does Gavin even see in her?

"Hey Guys!", a familiar voice interrupts my thoughts. I look up to see Lauren holding a whole bunch of papers. "I have everyone's schedule."

We all take our schedules from her and begin to compare them. My schedule was actually pretty decent.

Martin, Alexa Noel Zoe
Day 1
1st block - English
2nd block - Physics
3rd block - Calculus
4th block - senior chill time

Day 2
1st block - Cooking
2nd block - French
3rd block - Civics
4th block - senior chill time

Two senior chill times? Great I can go home early everyday. Cooking first block on day 2 so I don't have to worry about breakfast....

"Hey Alex, can I see your schedule?", Taye asks once again interrupting my thoughts.

"Sure.", I say handing it over.

"Hey we have the same senior chill time. Wanna go to yogurt land? It's right up the street."

"Uh, yeah!", I say not even having to think.

"Lemme see that, Taye.", Jonsey says taking my schedule from her.

"Looks like I'll be seeing you in civics."

Great. So much for avoiding him. I flash him a fake smile.

"Let me see.", Wendee says taking my schedule from Jonsey.

At this point, I'm praying we have no classes together. I'd rather scrub Chris' toilet bowl every week than to see this girl everyday.

"No way!", she exclaims. "You're in all of my classes.

"What? Let me see your schedule", I say not believing what I just heard. There's no way in hell this could be happening.

Blanchard, Wendee Morgan
Day 1
1st block - English
2nd block - Physics
3rd block - Calculus
4th block - senior chill time

Day 2
1st block - Cooking
2nd block - French
3rd block - Civics
4th block - senior chill time

What the-

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