O (Part 1)

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A/N: Hey guys. So today I was watching Kingsley (he's a youtuber) and he was talking about how Jay-Z had some event and Chris Martin couldn't be there so he was on skype looking like he had just watched some porn 😂😂😂😂. I literally almost shit my pants. I'll post the picture at the top and you guys tell me what you think lol. After that I was like I know it's not Sunday or Tuesday but I'm just going to update......

Alex POV:
Now that I have fixed things with Chris it was time for me to fix things with Gavin and the others who were supposedly not mad at me. I decided to call Jonsey to see if he would help me come up with a plan.


"Hey Alex"

"You busy?"

"No what's up?"

"The sky"


"Haha just kidding. But seriously I need your help"


"I need to come up with a plan on how to get Gavin and the others back."

"The others aren't mad at you"

"Oh yeah...so how come they haven't called me or texted me"



"There's kinda someone else..."

"You guys replaced me?"

"I didn't. But the others sorta-"

"JONSEY! Why didn't you tell me this before?"

"You were already going through it I didn't want to make things worst."

"But you should've just been honest with me."

He paused before suddenly saying, "I know. I'm really sorry."

"It's okay Jonsey. Thanks for not turning your back on me like the others."

"No problem, Alex. Now about that plan-"

"No that's okay", I said cutting him off. I realized this was my problem and I shouldn't bring Jonsey into it. I was going to fix this myself.

"You sure?"


"Okay, well if you need anything, call me."

"K. Bye."


I had just came up with a plan..

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