Sudden Death

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  The sun rose into the awaiting sky, painting the horizon in soft pinks and yellows. Air fresh and bright, the fog of night lifted to fill the city with illuminating warmth and vibrancy. Sunlight gleamed off of high rise windows, giving new life to soulless skyscrapers and the metal beams of bustling construction, and amongst the paragons of human ingenuity walked two heads, similarly made to glow, one of gold, one of deep copper.

"Sobre Dios y mi alma mortal, if you mention Coach Scott's ass one more time you'll never live to see it again." amber eyes blazed in annoyance from the copper haired girl, shifting a dignified and matured face into a youthful expression much more her age. Her annoyance did not remain solely in her face, but was also notable in her stride, steps markedly more of a march than a calm walk.

This didn't seem to bother her golden haired friend despite the extra efforts she had to make to keep up with her much taller friend, "But how could I not!?" Icy blue gazed upwards, "It's so fine. So voluptuous." A declaration emphasized with the purposeful gesturing, just in case her friend did not understand just how voluptuous Coach Scott's ass was.

"You only know that word because I said it yesterday." the tall girl scoffed, no doubt regretting the ever expanding nature of her friend's vocabulary, "Don't abuse it." The words her blue eyed friend acquired were doomed to that fate nonetheless.

"Don't be mean!" the golden haired girl cried, but she earned no response. If anything, the taller girl began to abuse her height to speed up. But she had by this point become quite accustomed to this little song and dance of their friendship.

"Wait!" the shorter girl ran to catch up, "Beth! Don't go so fast!" she attempted to feign anger as usual, but was met with an emotion a little above annoyance that caught her off guard.

"We wouldn't need to rush if someone didn't insist on changing." Beth deadpanned with an air of sass. Ah, of course, she hated to be late, so she was going to be even more irritable on this walk than usual.

"That was you! You made me change!" Nevertheless, the blue-eyed girl was going to be indignant at the accusation, after all, Beth did make her change.

"Katie," She was simply leveled with an unimpressed glare, "You were trying to wear two different types of plaid. You and all of humanity should be thanking me." And, as usual, Beth had an argument to trump Katie's.

"Okay?" Katie stressed not unlike a pouting teenager because how the hell was she supposed to deny that simple fact, "Then how about I try and fix our little situation." That idea transformed the pout into a devilish smile, one which was not mirrored by Beth as such an ominously familiar expression only gave her dread.

"What are you going to do?" she asked, anxiety fittingly laced in her tone.

"I know a shortcut!" her friend piped, eyes scanning the area before she ran over and took her by the hand. Beth tensed at the sudden contact; why did they always go for the hands? Couldn't people just say 'follow me'?

She held her tongue though, because when it really came down to it she would be lenient with Katie, and so, wordlessly, Beth allowed her peppy friend to drag her down a more than shady looking alleyway. A strange opening served as the entrance to the 'shortcut', a carved out portion of a chain link fence wrapped in orange film stained with some sort of company logo. Well, this didn't seem like the kind of opening one should pass through.

"Are you sure we should go in here?" she decided to voice her concern, sensing that something mildly illegal was perhaps about to occur.

"This, my young friend, is our shortcut!" It seemed to her to be more of an entrance to a construction site, and she weighed her options. This, as it turned out, was illegal, trespassing, but the space sounded empty. More importantly, she had a chemistry test to get to and she would not fail it for something as stupid as being late.

Despite her sense of morality and the nagging of her mother's disaprovement in the back of her mind, she sighed, "As long as we don't get caught." resigning herself to trespassing, she rationalized that due to the poor containment of the site it'd be easy enough to craft a lie to explain their presence.

With the release of her hand, Katie skipped to the entryway with a grand gesture, "You don't want to be late right? Hurry up!"

Noting that they had approximately ten minutes to get to class and reconsidering her options a final time, Beth jogged to catch up and attempted to ignore the biting sense that something terrible might occur.

It was only a few moments of jogging their way into the sight when Katie spun around to walk backwards and give her tall friend a teasing smile, "So," she tilted her head, "What did you think of last night's episodes?"

Beth recognized both her excitement and the attempt to fill the silence passively as she allowed herself to indulge in the conversation, "You already know what I think." of course she wasn't going to indulge too much, "You watched them with me."

"I did and it was amazing to slowly watch you lose your sanity." Katie smiled widely, a sight that never failed to coax a small smile from the bronze skinned girl.

She wasn't going to allow that smile to interrupt her slowly brewing rant, "I just have never seen such a convoluted shitty plot." Beth explained, tone raising as memories of last night flooded into her brain, "The animation is shit! The fights? Shit. And the characters have so much potential that they don't use." It was hard for her not to embrace such passionate exasperation when she saw so much potential that was so utterly wasted. It pained her to the core to consider the 'what if's', even if she could recognize how foolish it was to get so incensed over an anime.

"Calm down." Katie huffed, "It's not that bad!" She'd of course be the one to play devil's advocate, but Beth wasn't one to let her point of view go undefended.

"A character gets sent to the moon!" Beth shouted, an undeniable fact.

Katie shrugged, as usual not deterred by her friend's outbursts and more distracted by the sounds of banging coming from high above her in the half made skyscraper, "It's amazing that this area is so open." she murmured almost unconsciously, eliciting Beth to look up as well.

"Yeah," Her brow furrowed as she once again recognized internally the position they were currently in, "This is probably not up to code."

"It's probably fine." Katie shrugged, continuing on her way although Beth couldn't bring herself to agree, something was certainly wrong here, foreboding. It all felt wrong, but she couldn't worry about something as vague as foreboding, they only had six minutes left after all.

"Who's your favorite character?" The conversation was jerked back onto course, delivered with a hint of a tease and evident intrigue.

The brunette looked off in frustration "I don't know if I can like any of the characters. They all make me too mad. I really want to like them, but they're so poorly written." It was such as aggravating in between that she resided in with that show.

"Don't be like that!" Katie half gasped half whined, what she would do to have Beth loosen up a little sometimes, "At least decide which one you like the look of the best! I'll tell you who my favorite-"

"Kakashi." Beth interrupted flatly, "You make it way too obvious." Something as obvious as that would not escape the notice of that unyielding amber gaze.

"You're no fun!" Katie yelled, running not only from her friend but her slight embarrassment to pass under the last stretch of the construction site.

A kind of panic suddenly gripped Beth, "Don't run here!" with a shout she began to pursue her short friend.

But a sudden loud bang resounded through the open space, ricocheting off of the walls of older buildings like heavy handed gunshots within their metal prison. Beth reached her friend frantically, grabbing onto her shoulder with a motherly grip in an attempt to move them out from under the shadow of... death?

And from the only half formed structure fell a large metal beam, unyielding to the force of the fire and ice gaze as the sun seemed to extinguish.

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