Part 86

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Dear Diary,

Tomorrow is George's birthday and the apartment has been full all day. My presents arrived a few days ago and I have my outfit ready. I am excited. When George was in his nursery today, I was buzzing he must have thought I was crazy. I held him and I read him bits of my old diary which mentioned him such as the Australian tour and he must of took it in. 

I also told him of what it was like the day he was born. I wasn't a royal then but I remember. I was in Kensington Gardens at the Diana Memorial Fountain sitting at the grass in the middle listening to a portable radio and then it came on the BBC Radio that Kate had, had a baby boy. 

I was over the moon when I heard the news. 

Oh! I must mention, the day after George's birthday, I'm going to Anmer Hall and I'll learn riding from Zara! I am so excited. I have already purchased my riding gear and my horse has already been bought. I have named Dansuese as I swore I would.

I am excited for it. I am to be travelling alone and Zara will stay in the hall with me. At least I'm not in a massive countryhouse on my own! 

Oh today has been so busy I can't describe it. Because it's George's birthday we're not stopping for this party. I have been sworn to secracy to not say anything. I have been greatly involved. I managed to get my hands on a lot of the decorations and I also worked on the guest list. I feel for some weird reason that I am on drugs!

I haven't stopped. I was out today picking up a few last things. Kate and William have stayed behind planning the final few things and I have been out picking it up. I have suggested a few things and they've taken them into account. I am so excited for tomorrow! 

More soon!

Yours Dayna! 

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