Part 69

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Dear Diary, 

There has been a lot of arguing going on in the apartment lately. Apparently Kate wants to move out of London and raise George at Anmer Hall. She says they'll get privacy and we can enjoy the countryside. This is probably the first time Kate and I have ever argued and I said I didn't want to leave. "The whole apartment has been done up for you and now you're going to let it go?! It isn't fair!" I shouted. 

Kate said we would come back to London every once in a while but I said I loved it here. "I love the apartment, I love London and being close to everything! Why can't I stay here?" I asked. "Who would look after you?" Kate asked. "I don't know. But why do we have to leave. You haven't even being staying here for a year and now you're bored of it?!" I was so shocked and angry. 

I got really angry and I hope we don't have to leave. If we do, I will phone Jack and ask if I can live with him. This is probably the only time I have been angry at Kate. William took my side though. He agreed with the part when I said they hadn't been here for a year. Kate and I managed to patch it up and she said she'd stay here for a while longer. 

We're going to Anmer Hall in July to stay a few days and as a sorry present, Kate bought me a horse! He is currently at Anmer Hall and I am to learn to ride from Zara. I am so excited! 

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