Is This The End?

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"You have to eat something." Liam insists yet again. I push the styrofoam plate away with my hand.
"No, I don't want to!" I say, frustrated with his stubborn nature. I get up, and lean against the wall.
"Bella, if you don't eat, you'll feel weak. What will we do if Harry and you both get admitted in the hospital?" Liam gets up as well, and stands in front of me. I roll my eyes at him.
"Niall, hasn't eaten anything either. Why don't you go and irritate him?" I glance over to see Niall sitting on a chair, with his head in his hands.
"He didn't put effort into pulling Harry out of a car. You did!" Why did the police have to come, and tell the boys everything?
"The police exaggerated everything." I say, turning around and walking down the corridor.
"No, they didn't. They said the car was on fire. It exploded." Liam says, placing the plate on a chair. "I know you unscrewed a piece of metal to get Harry's leg out. The bystanders told them everything." Why can't Liam leave me alone? Now isn't the best time to argue with me, and force me to eat something.
"Can you sit down? You've been pacing this corridor in intervals for an hour." Liam says, taking a look at his phone.
"I can't! Harry's in there, fighting for his goddamn life! How the heck can I calm down, and just sit?"
"You're not helping him in anyway whatsoever, and you're going to get sick." I know Liam, and I know that he's concerned about me. But, I'm an adult and I'm capable of taking care of myself.
"I got coffee!" Louis yells, walking down the corridor. He's holding a plastic bag in one hand, and his phone in the other. He passes me and takes a seat next to Niall. Louis places the bags on a chair next to him, and places his hand on Niall's back.
"He'll be fine. Harry has been through worse." Louis says, reassuring Niall.
"No, he hasn't. Those were minor bullet wounds. Harry's hurt all over his body this time." Niall says, even though his words are unclear because his head is still in his hands.
"Harry's a fighter. He'll be fine." Louis turns and takes out a cup of coffee. "Here, have some coffee." Niall shakes his head, and gets up.
"Where are you going?" Louis asks him, confused.
"Somewhere far from you both. Please call me if there's any news." Niall storms off down the corridor. Sighing, I pass my hand through my hair. Great! The boys are fighting. Louis looks at Liam, as if to ask him if he did anything wrong. Liam shrugs and takes a seat beside him. Louis hands him the cup of coffee, and Liam accepts it.
"Thanks." He says, smiling.
"No problem." Louis says, cracking a weak smile. I can tell he's upset. I have never seen Niall blow up in this manner, and it worries me as well. Stress can mess with our heads. Louis looks over at me, and holds a cup of coffee towards me.
"No thanks." I say, shaking my head. Louis' weak smile fades and he frowns. I hate to see them like this. This is all wrong. Niall never screams or gets mad. Louis doesn't frown, either. He's always smiling, and laughing. They must be going through the exact same emotions as I am.
"On second thoughts, I'll have a cup of coffee." I say, walking towards Louis. His smile returns and he hands me a cup of coffee. Liam looks at me, and mouths 'thank you.' I want to help them in anyway that I can. Forcefully, I take a sip of coffee because I know Louis' looking at me. The minute the liquid goes down my throat, I feel like throwing up. It's impossible for me to digest anything while Harry's in there. Suddenly, the door opens and a doctor walks out. Liam, and Louis get up. Their expressions become hopeful. I rush over towards him as well.
"Are you the family members of Mr. Harry Styles?" He asks us. We nod our heads, and he continues. "I'm going to be honest because there's no point in me giving you false hopes."
"Get on with it!" Louis yells, impatiently. The doctor murmurs something, and then he continues.
"He's in a critical state. Mr. Styles, might even go into coma." What?! The accident wasn't that serious.
"There must be some other cure, right?" I ask him. This is not the end. Harry, can't give up now.
"I'm sorry. We're doing our level best." He says, walking off. I stare at him in disbelief and shock. What the heck does that mean?! They have to do something.
"So that's it?" Louis' voice is filled with shock. "Harry can die at any moment. If not, he'll go into coma."
"He might go into coma." Liam corrects him, but there's no conviction in his voice. I know they're looking at me, but for some reason, my eyes are glued to the floor.
"I'm going to find Niall, and tell him." I manage to say as I turn and start to walk down the corridor. I don't where I'm going because my mind doesn't want to cope with me. It's blank. I don't know if I'm crying or laughing. I don't know if I'm walking in the right direction or if I'm going in the wrong direction. I think my phone's ringing, but I don't care. Is this it? Will our last memories be of our fight? Won't I get a chance to say goodbye?
"No," I murmur. I want to do something. Anything. But, I'm helpless.

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