Where's Harry?

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Harry's POV
"Are you sure about this?" I ask the boys, looking around the club. Three days are left for the wedding, and today's the night the boys have brought me for my party.
"Relax! Let loose!" Louis screams, over the loud music. "You can do whatever you want today!"
"I'm getting married, not going to jail." I yell, in Louis' ear.
"Mate, it's not quite different."
"Very funny." I roll my eyes, at Louis' sarcastic remark. What does he know about marriage?
"I'll get the drinks, you guys go find a booth." Liam says, walking towards the bar. We walk through the crowd, avoiding bumping into drunk people. Gosh, why did I even agree to this? This is horrible, and if Mus finds out where they've brought me, she'll kill them.
"Harry, we have a surprise for you." Niall says, looking at the others deviously.
"What? It better not be something like that." I say, looking at the pole dancers.
"We're not perverts." Louis says, rolling his eyes. Honestly, seeing my surroundings, I've started to doubt them. "We called in some favors, and got them to come!" He points to someone behind me, and as I turn around, my mood has suddenly changed. I feel so happy staring at my sister, my four close friends, and a few more people.
"Gemma!" I yell, jumping up to hug her.
"It's been so long, Haz." She says, checking me out. She stares at me from head to toe, and groans when she sees my boots. "You've had the same pair since last year. Please, just change them."
"They're my favorite!" I defend my poor boots, looking at them proudly.
"Here are your drinks." Liam says, gesturing the waiter to put them down. I hug my other friends and sit down, picking up a drink, which is addressed to me.
"This is so good Liam. What is it?"
"Something special, for a special person like you." He says, winking. Something seems fishy though, because when he winks he looks at Louis, deviously. I'm feeling light headed, everything around me seems to be swimming.
"What did you put in there?" I ask no one in particular; trying to gain my bearings.
"Something to help you chill out."
Bella's POV
"Good morning!" Someone says, as sharp light hits my eyes. I've been tossing and turning in my bed, for the past half an hour; not wanting to get up. I open my eyes slightly, only to be welcomed by Harry's mother.
"Good morning," I murmur. Anne looks so chirpy and excited today morning.
"Why do you look so down?" She gives me a confused look, as she sets a tray filled with food, beside my bed.
"It's early morning."
"So, what? You should be excited, since your wedding day is coming closer and closer."
"Yeah, two more days." I get up, shoving the blanket off my chest. Anne takes a seat next to me, taking out her phone. I turn my attention towards the tray lying next to my bed. It's stacked with pancakes, waffles, and scrambled eggs. There are two bowls filled with whipped cream, and maple syrup. Next to the plates are two tall glasses. One contains milk, and the other orange juice. Wow, she's done a lot today.
"There was no need for this." I say, gesturing towards the tray.
"Don't be silly! You're the bride, you should be treated like a princess." I could get used to this.
"Thank you!" I say, picking up the orange juice. Seeing two plates on the tray, I remember Harry went to his bachelor party yesterday. The surprising thing is, he isn't home yet. "Did Harry come home?" Anne looks up from her phone, switching it off.
"No, he didn't. The others came home, but he didn't. They don't know where he went." Anne says, taking a piece of a waffle. How come Harry didn't come home yesterday? And how do the boys not know? I refuse to believe that they don't know. I get up, and put the plate on the side.
"Where are you going?"
"I'm going to talk to the boys." I wear a shirt over my tank top, and exit the room. I sprint towards Liam's room. Even if the others don't tell me anything, I know Liam will. Without knocking, or even hesitating, I barge into his room. Liam is sitting on his bed, worry lines creasing his forehead. His gaze is fixed on his phone, as he's furiously typing something.
"Where's Harry?" I ask, standing at the foot of his bed.
"Belle- he's with some of his friends." Liam says, hesitantly. I know he's lying, it's written all across his face.
"Don't lie! Tell me the truth."
"I'm not lyi-" he begins. But, he's interrupted by the room door opening.
"Harry wants us to pick him up!" Louis says, entering the room. The minute his eyes fall on me, he presses his mouth into a tight line.
"From where?" I demand, crossing my arms across my chest. Louis glances at Liam for a second, and shrugs his shoulders slightly. "From where?"
"Maria's house," Louis murmurs. I wouldn't have heard him, if it wasn't for the pin drop silence in the room.
"Is she his friend?"
"No, she's-"
"Louis, don't!" Liam says, getting up. "She's no one." I yank Liam's arm back, making him stumble over his own two feet. "I'm going to pick him up!"
"And I'm not letting you leave, until you tell me!"
"Liam there's no point in hiding it, she's going to find out anyway. Maria is the girl he went home with last night."

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