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"Where do you want to go?" Shawn asks me as we wait in line to purchase our tickets.
"I don't know. I'll hop onto any plane, as long as it's going far from here." I say, looking around. Kim is sitting on a bench near the entrance of the airport. She's making sure Harry hasn't followed us. I don't think he has, but my paranoia is getting the best of me. Her eyes meet mine, smiling I wave to her. She returns the smile and wave.
"Kim's a really nice girl." I tell Shawn. He turns to look at her, fondly.
"Yes, she is. She said the same thing about you." He says, as the line moves forward.
"We've become pretty good friends."
"I can tell." So far, I've made two friends. Shawn and I don't speak to each other until we reach the counter.
"Where would you like to go, sir?" The attendant asks us, smiling.
"Which flight leaves as soon as possible?" I ask her.
"There's a flight that leaves for Singapore in an hour. But, you'll have to rush if you want to make it."
"Do you have three business class seats on that flight?" From the corner of my eye, I see Shawn's eyes widen.
"Bella!" He says loudly. "I don't have that much money. I can afford economy, not business class."
"It's okay. I'll pay, don't worry." I reassure him.
"I can't let you. You've done enough for us." He says, shaking his head.
"I am paying for the tickets, and that's final."
"Are you buying the tickets or not?" Someone says from behind us, rudely.
"Yes, we are!" I snap at him, and turn back towards the desk. "We'll purchase those tickets." I place my bag on the counter, and take out the amount she told me. Once she's handed me the tickets, and our passports; Shawn and I head back towards Kim.
"Did you get them?" She asks us, hopefully. I shake my head, and so does Shawn.
"All the flights are fully booked." I say, solemnly. Kim's hopeful expression turns into a frown. Shawn bites his lip to suppress his laughter.
"Come on, let's go." He says, turning around. "We'll be late."
"Where are we going? The exit's that way." Kim says, pointing toward the exit.
"We have to catch a flight." Shawn says, smiling. Realization dawns on Kim's face, and she grins from ear to ear.
"You guys are the meanest people in this world." She says, punching me on the shoulder. I laugh at her failed attempt at a punch. We make our way towards the gate from which our flight departs. None of us have any baggage to check in. Everything is happening in fast forward. Shawn goes over to the men's line for checking, and Kim and I move towards the ladies line. Kim and I get done with it first, and we take a seat.
"I can't believe I'm free." Kim says, sighing.
"Me too," I murmur. I never thought I'd get away from Harry, for good.
"That line was so long." Shawn says, sitting beside me. He wraps his arm around my shoulders. I don't know how to react to this gesture. Kim's eyes widen, and when he sees her expression, he removes his arm. That was awkward.
"When are they going to start boarding?" I ask Shawn and Kim, as I wait for them to start boarding, impatiently.
"I don't know. A few more minutes." Shawn says. He looks as impatient as me. I turn around and glance around the room. Most of the people are busy on their laptops, and electronic devices.
"No, Harry, she's not here! I didn't see her." Is that...I turn around and sure enough, Percy is taking a seat in the far corner of the room. Is the Universe playing a joke on me?
"Percy's here," I say. I look over at Kim, her eyes are wide. I'm presuming she's seen him as well. Shawn turns around and sees him for the first time.
"What should we do?" Kim asks me, panicked.
"Don't turn around." I tell her. "We'll have to pray that he doesn't spot us."
"You! Yes, you! How dare you kick my bag?!" Percy yells at someone. I want to get up and slap him. Why does he have to act like he's the king? I just hope he's travelling in first or economy class. Finally, an announcement is made that we can start boarding. Kim, Shawn and I, try our level best to blend into the crowd. Occasionally, I turn my head to see if Percy's behind us. Thankfully, he's not behind us. The attendant checks our tickets, and we're on the plane. I just hope we don't have to deal with any drama on the flight.
"Shawn, calm down." I tell him, placing my hand on his thigh. Shawn has been fidgety ever since we sat on the plane. "What's wrong?"
"I hate travelling by air. I'm afraid of it." He says, giving me a nervous smile.
"Why?" I ask him, confused. I love travelling.
"My father's sister, and her husband died in a plane crash. Ever since then, I have a phobia of flying."
"I'm so sorry." I mutter, as the pilot starts to make an announcement. I don't know what he's saying because my eyes keep searching the plane for Percy.
"He's not here." Kim says, noticing my worry, and tension.
"Thank God," I sigh.
"Why aren't we taking off?" I ask them.
"The pilot is saying three people are missing from business class." Shawn says, frowning.
"Why are you frowning?" I ask him, confused.
"They mentioned somebody I know. He works with Percy, he's his friend." The situation couldn't get more out of hand. Why is everything becoming so tough? Can't we take off, peacefully?
"Harry Styles," the pilot says. What?! Harry can't be on this plane! He'll see me immediately. Kim's hand grips mine, and she squeezes it, tightly.

WHY ME??? A Harry Styles fan-fictionजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें