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Harry's POV
"Thanks for coming." I say, plastering a fake smile onto my face. For the hundredth time, I've shaken someone's hand, and smiled.
"Harry!" Louis yells, grabbing my attention. I turn around to find him coming over to me, with two flutes of champagne in his hand. "You look like you need this." Laughing, he puts one flute near my hand. I grab it, gratefully.
"Thanks, Lou. I really needed this." I take a long sip, savoring the taste.
"How long will you do this?" He asks me, raising his brow.
"I don't know really. I was going to take Bella and tell her to change upstairs, for the airport. But, then my mum came and swept her away." I shrug my shoulders, searching the room for my wife.
"She's near your gramma. That's what you call her, right?" Liam says, joining us.
"Yes, I do. I didn't know she was coming, though." I mutter, taking another sip of my champagne.
"Harry!" Niall yells, walking over to us. "Why'd you have to get married?"
"Excuse me?" I ask him, confused.
"You should've warned me about all of these people. I've had to greet every single one of them, since dinner."
"Join the club. I've been doing the exact same thing, too. Hey, have you seen Bell?"
"Yeah, she's sitting near the backdoor steps. I think she's feeling sick, or something." Niall says, shrugging his shoulders. How the heck is he so calm about her being sick?
"If there weren't so many people around, I would punch you." I tell him, turning around and walking toward my house. I place the champagne glass on the kitchen counter, and push open the back door. I'm hit by a sudden gush of fresh, cold air. I can feel my arms getting goosebumps, regardless of this warm jacket. I search the steps for Bella, but she isn't here. Suddenly, I hear a cough. I turn on my heel, and walk towards the shed. Sure enough Bella is sitting near the shed, with some chips on a plate. She looks very distant, and worried.
"Hi, love." I say, walking over to her. I take a seat beside her, and pull off my jacket. I drape it over her shoulders, and she pulls it further up her shoulders.
"Hi," she murmurs. She pushes the plate toward me, but I push it back towards her.
"Why are you here, near the shed? Shouldn't you be outside, attending to the guests who have come to your wedding?" I ask her, pushing her hair behind her ear.
"Yeah, I should be. But I didn't know how."
"Why? What's wrong, babe?" I put my hand underneath her chin, and guide her face towards me. She meets my eyes, and I see fear in her's.
"Well, I met a few guests. But, it seemed like they were judging me. After all they must be thinking what a handsome person like you is doing with me." Bella says, shrugging.
"Of course not! On the contrary, they must be thinking what I'm doing with a pretty girl like you."
"Harry don't lie. Your friends and family don't think that."
"They do, trust me. You probably think they're judging you because they don't know what you're doing with me. They've never seen me do this...dating thing. So they're wondering how you tolerate a bad ass like myself." Bella let's out a small, but weak laugh. At least, I made her laugh. "Shall we?" I ask her, getting up and offering her my arm.
"How very nice of you." She says giggling. I love the way she giggles, it's the best sound in the world. Bella gets up and grabs my hand, with one hand. She pulls her dress up with the other. I can't wait to spend every single day of my life with her. She's just perfect!

WHY ME??? A Harry Styles fan-fictionWhere stories live. Discover now