Search Party

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This is a game for Harry, I'm sure of it. He must find it pleasurable to catch me each time I run away. Can't he let me go, and forget about me? I've suffered enough.
"Bella!" Kim places her hand on top of mine to grab my attention.
"Sorry." I give her a sheepish smile, and grab a cupcake.
"Do you want to go for a swim?"
"Yeah, sure." The breakfast room is almost empty. Most of the people are dining outside. I didn't want to dine with too many people so we decided to eat inside.
"Good morning." A waiter says as he passes our table. Suddenly, he stops and turns around. He looks at me, and scrunches up his eyebrows. Shit! I hope he didn't recognize me. I turn my head, and observe the people outside. From the corner of my eye, I see him shake his head and walk off.
"Do you think he recognized you?" Kim asks me, worried.
"No, I don't think so. I'm done." I get up, and place my napkin on the table. "I'll meet you in the room and then we'll go for a swim." Kim nods her head, and I walk toward the dining room's exit. I've been avoiding making eye contact with people. They might recognize me. My picture was on every news channel since last night, and I have a feeling the posters are up already.
"Good morning." Another waiter greets me. I simply nod my head, and exit the room. I take my phone out of my pocket, and wait for the elevator.
"Have you seen this girl?" I hear a man's voice. I take a step back to get a good view of the hotel lobby. Three men are standing in front of the receptionist. They are holding a picture.
"I-" Suddenly, the receptionist's eyes land on me, and her eyes widen. I shake my head vigorously, hoping she'll get the message. Subtly, she nods her head. "I'm sorry, I haven't seen her." I let out a sigh of relief.
"Are you sure? Look at it carefully." One of the man says loudly.
"Yes, I am sure! This is a hotel lobby, and your loud voice is disturbing the guests. Please leave." I'm amazed at her guts and confidence. The man huffs, and gestures for the other two to follow him. The minute they leave, I rush over to the receptionist.
"Thank you so much!"
"It's nothing." She smiles at me. "Do you want me to alert the police? Those men could go to jail if they're harassing you."
"No, thank you. It's fine. As long as they don't find out I'm here, I'll be fine."
"Okay, but if you need anything, just tell me. I'll make sure the other staff members don't rat you out."
"Thank you. You're very helpful." Saying this, I head back towards the elevator. I watch the numbers on the little screen decrease. Finally, the elevator dings, and the doors open.
"What do you mean you didn't find her?!" Harry yells. Eyes wide, I take in his appearance. He's on his phone, looking toward the floor. Snapping out of my shock, I turn around and move towards a corridor. I hear his boots click as he walks toward the hotel lobby. I turn around just in time to watch him leave. Thank God, that was a close call. I place my hand over my chest. My heart is beating loudly, and quickly. Behind me, two other women enter the elevator. I hope they can't hear my heart beating. Suddenly, someone's hand enters through the elevator doors, refraining them from closing.
"Sorry." Kim says, entering the elevator. The women smile at her and resume talking. She comes and stands next to me.
"What happened?" Her voice is laced with worry. Does my face look so pale?
"I saw Harry. He was in this elevator, about to exit when I was entering. He had gotten three other men with him. They asked about me at the reception, but she didn't rat me out."
"What?!" Kim says, loudly. The women look at us, and we just smile at them. What's their problem?
"Should we leave?" She asks me, frowning.
"No, we're safe here." We can't change hotels right now. Harry has already checked here, and he won't come back because he didn't find me. "We'll be safe here." Kim opens her mouth, but then she closes it and nods her head. We get off at our floor, and head straight towards our room.
"Let's meet back here in five minutes?" I ask Kim as we enter our room.
"Yeah." She walks off towards her room, and I head towards mine. I open my bag, and search for my swimsuit. Let's watch some television as well. I grab the remote and switch on the television. Some entertainment channel comes on. Honestly, I have no idea nowadays as to which celebrity is famous and which band is number one on the charts. My life has been a roller-coaster ride since I met Harry.
"Are you ready?" Kim yells.
"Almost." I grab some sunscreen. It's pretty sunny outside, we'll need it.
"Here, apply some." I say, giving the tube of sunscreen to Kim. Smiling, she takes it from me.
"I don't know what I'd do without you. Thank you."
"You don't need to thank me. You should thank your brother, Shawn." I feel a pang of sadness when I mention him. I hope he's okay. Last night, till I fell asleep, I kept thinking about him. He was so helpful. If it wasn't for him, I'd be raped by those perverts.
"Do you think he's fine?" Kim asks me, as we enter the elevator. It takes me a moment to realize she's talking about Shawn.
"Yeah, I'm sure he's fine. Shawn's a tough guy. He'll come looking for you." I reassure her, though I'm not so sure myself. It was him against Harry, his friends and their guards. It would be a miracle if he made it out alive. I just hope they were so shocked when they realized we escaped, that they didn't have the time to deal with him.
"I hope so, too." Kim says, as if she read my thoughts.
"He'll come. I'm sure of it. He has to." I feel as if I'm reassuring myself more than I'm reassuring Kim.
"He will, you're right. He loves me." I nod and her eyes fill up with some emotion; hope.
"We're here." I sing, as the elevator doors open. We both step out, excitement emanating off us. "I'll get us two towels, you can get into the water."
"Thanks." Saying this, Kim heads off toward the beach. I walk over to the towel shack and ask for two towels. Once I've given him my room number and signed a sheet, I head towards the beach with the towels. I place them on a beach chair, and take off my shoes. The scene is so refreshing. I'm dying to enter the salty, cold water.
"Bella!" Kim yells, waving for me to come over.
"Coming!" I run over to her. She's drenched with water. Looks like she went for a swim. The minute I'm inside the water, I splash her with cold water.
"Hey!" She yells, splashing me with some water as well. Laughing, I go into the water. I try my best to forget about all that's happened. Sadly, I can't. Suddenly, I feel somebody's hand on my arm, and I get out of the water.
"Bella, Shawn's here!" Kim says, excitedly.

WHY ME??? A Harry Styles fan-fictionWhere stories live. Discover now