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"How was work?" Shawn asks me as I get into the car.
"Not good." I say, biting my lip. He looks at me, confused.
"Why? What happened?"
"They want to transfer me for six months." I place my bag near my feet, and lean my head against the seat.
"That's great, right? It'll be a change for you." He says, joyfully. I shake my head.
"I can't leave Harry and I can't take him with me." I say, sighing.
"We're here for him. You should go." Shawn says, placing a reassuring hand on mine. He squeezes it, but I don't feel comforted.
"No, I don't want to leave him. Plus, Harry isn't your responsibility, he's mine." I say adamantly. My boss is putting a lot of pressure on me, but I will not go. She can fire me if she likes, but I will not leave Harry. Shawn sighs in defeat.
"Harry, is weighing you down, he's become a burden." Shawn says after a few moments.
"No, he isn't." I say, clenching my fists to control my temper. Why is everybody saying the same thing again and again? He is not a burden and he'll never be a burden. Why don't these people understand that?
"I'm sure if he was in my position he would've done the same thing." I say, wishing the situation was different.
"No, he wouldn't. He would have left you." Shawn says, and I grit my teeth to stop myself from yelling at him. "Don't you remember how he treated you? Don't you remember that you and Kim almost got raped?"
"Yes, I do!" I yell, slamming my palm against the dashboard. "But, I don't care! I'm not a cruel person. I don't care what Harry did to me or how he treated me, the bottom line is, I still love him. And I always will."
"Bella," Shawn sighs. "I don't understand you."
"Good." I say, with a tone of finality. Shawn pulls into the driveway and I get out immediately. I grab my bag from the floor, and slam the door behind me.
"Don't be mad!" Shawn shouts from behind me. I ignore him and unlock the main door.
"We're home!" I yell to Kim. I wait near the door for a second for her response, but I don't get it.
"Kim!" I yell as Shawn enters and shuts the door. "Did she go to run some errands?"
"No." He says, shaking his head. "She should be home."
"I'll check her room, and you check the kitchen." I say, heading upstairs. I rush towards Kim's room, and shove the door open.
"Kim?" I call as my eyes scan the room. She isn't here as well.
"Shawn, did you find her?" I ask Shawn as I head back downstairs.
"No, but I found this." Shawn says from the kitchen. I head towards the kitchen, wondering what she left. Shawn is standing in front of the kitchen counter, reading a paper.
"What's that?" I ask him as I take a stand next to him.
"Harry's condition deteriorated rapidly and she had to call an ambulance." Shawn explains, even though I am reading the letter. This can't be happening. I was afraid something like this would happen in my absence. God, I hope she managed to get him to the hospital in time.
"Let's go." I say, rushing out of the kitchen. I grab the house keys, and Shawn grabs his car key. Hastily, I lock the main door, and get into the car.
"It's okay. Harry, will be fine, don't cry." Shawn says, rubbing my hand. I didn't even realize that I was crying. Sniffing, I wipe my tears.
"I just..." I can't continue because my voice gets caught in my throat. Just the thought of not seeing Harry breathe or smile again, is devastating. He's in a coma and therefore, I have a sliver of hope. But, I can't imagine him lying cold on a bed.
"It'll be fine, don't worry." Shawn says again, but I don't believe him. Heck, in a situation like this, nobody would believe him.
"Don't give me false hopes." I wipe another stray tear. Shawn drives into the hospital parking lot.
"Stop here." I say, placing my hand over the lock. Shawn obliges, and stops. I yank the door open, and get out. I rush towards the emergency wing of the hospital. I've been here time and time again.
"Mr. Styles." I tell the receptionist. She nods her head, and looks at me with sympathy. I hope I don't look that bad, do I? Can she really see so much concern and worry etched into my face?
"Straight to the left. First door." She says.
"Thanks." I say, rushing down the corridor. Kim is sitting on a chair near a door. The minute she hears my feet rushing towards her, she raises her head, and gets up.
"Where is he?" I ask her, out of breath.
"The doctor's are doing everything they can, but there is little hope." She says, hugging me.
"" I shake my head, refusing to believe her. Why does God keep placing me in the same position? I'm having deja vu. But, I know Harry will fight again. He has fought before, and he'll do the same this time. I have faith in him.
"He'll get better. I know it." I say. Kim shakes her head, and a tear drops from her eye.
"I don't like him at all, but I am a human, and I can tell that he's suffering. Let him go, please. For his sake." Kim whispers as if she's afraid someone will overhear our conversation.
"No, he's not suffering. He's a fighter. He will make it." I say, nodding my head as if that will make what I'm saying true. Suddenly, my phone rings in my pocket. I didn't even know I had it. I take it out and Niall's name is on the screen.
"Hello." I say as I wipe my tears again.
"Are you crying? What happened?" Niall's voice is frantic.
"Harry's in the hospital. His condition has deteriorated." I tell him.
"Is he..." Niall doesn't have to finish his thought.
"No, he isn't giving up. I wanted him to give up last time, but not today. He will fight."
"Which hospital is he in?" Niall asks me.
"Same as last time." I say, biting my lip.
"I'm coming."
"What?" I ask him, confused.
"We're in Singapore, and I'm coming. Liam can go to hell. He can kill me if he likes." Niall says, angrily.
"Niall, please don't." I plead with him.
"I'm coming. Period." Niall ends the call. I want to yell in frustration. Why the heck doesn't anybody listen to me? I don't want to have any drama, but I know we can't avoid it. Liam will be fuming when he finds out that Niall is coming to meet Harry.

WHY ME??? A Harry Styles fan-fictionWhere stories live. Discover now