Getting Away From Him

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"Don't you dare touch her!" I yell to Percy as his fingers brush over Kim's face.
"Babe, you don't get to give us orders." He says, throwing her toward the couch.
"Let her go!" Shawn says, slamming into Percy. He looks furious as he punches Percy repeatedly. Percy looks taken aback, and he makes no effort to defend himself. His guards are looking at each other, hesitantly. I guess he isn't nice to them either. I look up to find Harry distracted with the fight that is taking place in front of him. Taking advantage of this, I pull my hand out of his grip, and turn to Kim. I grab her hand, and pull her toward the door through which I entered this room.
"What about Shawn?" She asks me, turning around to look at her brother.
"He'll be fine." I say, pulling her behind me. Harry is running towards us and I can't let him catch us. I can't even fathom the abuse we'd go through if they catch us.
"Belle, come here!" Harry yells from behind us. I increase my speed, and run out of the door. Kim manages to stay on her feet.
"Just a few more." I say, as we ascend the stairs.
"Where are we going to go?" She asks me, as I push open the door. We're at the bar.
"Somewhere far from here." We run toward the flight of stairs that would lead to the restaurant.
"Can we stop, please?" She asks me, between breaths.
"No, we can't. Harry will catch us." We reach the bottom of the stairs, and I run toward the restaurant's exit.
"Wait here." I say, when we exit the restaurant. She nods her head, and places her hands on her knees.
"Ma'am, do you need a taxi?" A man in a tux asks me. He is the doorman that greeted us when we entered. I nod my head, and he smiles. "Give me a minute."
"He's calling a taxi for us." I say, looking towards the doorman.
"Thank you." Kim says, hugging me.
"Don't thank me."
"The taxi's here." The doorman says, walking toward us. I nod my head, and thank him. Once we're seated in the taxi, the driver turns around and asks us where we want to go. I tell him the address of the hotel Harry and I are staying in, and he starts the car. I turn around to check if anyone is following us. There's nobody, thank God.
"Won't they find us there?" Kim asks me.
"No, they won't. I'll grab some money from the hotel room, and other necessities. Then we'll leave and hide in another hotel." I must grab my passport as well. "Do you have a passport?"
"Yeah, I do. It's in my quarters."
"Your, 'quarters'?"
"The apartment where I live. It's near your hotel. When we stop there, I'll walk to my apartment and get my things."
"Be careful though." She nods her head. I place my head on the window and reflect on the events that took place tonight. Harry isn't the person who I thought he was. He is a gangster! He never changed. It was all a facade to get into my pants, and I trusted him and let him. I'm so stupid.
"Ma'am, we're here." The taxi driver says.
"Could you please wait here?" He looks hesitant. "I'll even pay you for waiting. You can keep the meter running." He nods his head, and Kim and I get off.
"Let's try our best to meet here in five minutes, okay?" She says, and I nod my head. We both run towards our destinations. The doorman greets me as I run toward the lift.
"Come on." I say, impatiently as I watch the numbers increase. When the lift stops, I get off and run toward the exit. Why did our hotel suite have to be so far away?
"Sorry." I mutter as I bump into a man. I exit the hotel and run toward the stairs that would lead to the beach. My shoes sink in the sand, but I don't care. When I reach the stairs, I take them off and ascend the stairs. The door is open. I hesitate for a second. What if Harry is in there? The door opens and I step back, ready to run. A woman comes out with a trolley.
"Sorry, it took so long." She says, walking toward the stairs.
"It's okay. Thanks." Thank God is was housekeeping. I lock the door behind me, and run toward our room. Harry kept all of our passports and money in the locker. I grab my duffel bag and shove my clothes into it. I leave it on the bed as I walk over to the safe. I should grab as much money as I can.
"She must be here. Where could she have gone?" I hear Harry say, as I grab the last wad of money and stuff it into my bag. Shit! I hear his footsteps come closer to the room.

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