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Suddenly, the doors open and the doctor comes out. He's talking to a nurse. Niall, and I rush up to him.
"What happened?!" Niall asks him, frantically. The doctor looks startled. Hastily, he composes himself.
"Mr. Styles is better. In fact, he's showing some signs of improvement." The doctor says, smiling. I have never felt more relieved in my life. This is a sliver of hope, this is what I needed. Niall places his hand on my shoulder, and squeezes it.
"Thank you!" Niall says to the doctor, gratefully. The doctor smiles, and walks off. I feel as if a dozen boulders have been removed from my back.
"I-I should go and tell Louis." Niall says. I can see his eyes are tearing up, and I'm sure he's going to cry at any minute.
"Yeah, you should." I say, biting my lip to suppress my laugh. Niall is using this excuse as a cover up. I'm sure he'll go, and cry in some corner. I should call Kim, and Shawn. I take out my phone from my pocket, and check the time. It's three in the morning, they'll be asleep. I'll tell them in the morning.
"Bella, I got coffee." Louis says, heading towards me with three cups of coffee.
"It's good to see you smiling after so long. What's the occasion?" Louis asks me as he hands me a cup.
"Harry's health is improving." I say, excitedly. "Niall left to find you."
"That's great!" Louis exclaims. "I didn't see Niall, though."
"Louis, Harry will come back to us very soon. He'll talk to me again." I say, taking a seat.
"Yes, he will. I've missed Harry so much. Everything has changed since he went into a coma. Nobody's the same at work." I let out a small laugh and Louis looks at me, confused.
"You make your job sound so normal." I say, laughing. Louis laughs as well.
"For us it is a normal job." Suddenly, Louis' forehead creases up in worry. "Should we tell Liam?"
"I-I don't know." I say, shrugging. "I don't know how he'll react."
"He'll be happy. This is what we all want." Louis says, taking his phone out of his pocket.
"Maybe. There's no harm in calling Liam." This could either end horribly, or amazingly. I hope it's the latter.
"Let's try calling him right now."
"Okay," I murmur. Louis puts the phone on speaker, and we wait as we hear the rings.
"Hello." Liam's voice rings out in the empty hallway. "Louis, I don't want to speak to you."
"Liam, please hear us out." Louis says, hastily.
"We? Is Niall there, too?"
"No, Bella is here." Louis says, biting his lip, nervously.
"I don't want to speak to you either of you. Don't waste my time." Liam says, angrily.
"Harry is getting better. He could be out of a coma any day." Louis' voice is filled with hope.
"H-He is." Liam stammers.
"Yeah. Harry, will start walking, and talking again. Just think about it, Liam. Everything will be back to normal." Liam is silent for a few seconds.
"Louis...I told you not to waste my time." Liam says sternly, before ending the call. Louis sighs, and looks up at me, apologetically.
"It's our obligation to try." I say, tapping my fingers against the corner of the chair. Louis nods his head, curtly.
"Liam's changed. A lot." Louis has a distant look in his eye. "We were best friends, before this incident. It changed everything. Liam has become cold-hearted, and evil."
"Liam will change back. I know it." I say with a tone of finality.
"Ma'am, would you like to go and visit Mr. Styles?" A nurse asks me, interrupting Louis' and my conversation.
"Yes!" I exclaim, getting up. "Louis, do you want to come?"
"No, I'll stay here for a while." I nod my head, and follow the nurse. She leads me down a corridor, and through two large, glass doors.
"Please sign here." She says, handing me a clipboard. I take the clipboard, and grab a pen from the counter. Once I've signed, the nurse takes it from me and guides me through another door. My eyes immediately land on Harry. He's lying on the bed, in the hideous scrubs that every patient has to wear. Fewer tubes are attached to his arms, and he isn't wearing the oxygen mask anymore. I rush to his side, and take a seat on the stool that's lying near his bed. I'm sure Harry's hands are as cold as ice. However, I still grab his hand for comfort. I don't know if I'm imagining this or if something is truly different. Something feels different in Harry's hands. I smile at the thought of him smiling, and talking to me again. Suddenly, I hear a beep, and Harry's hand twitches in mine. My eyes widen in shock, and I get up, startled.
"Nurse!" I yell, moving backwards toward the door. "Doctor!" Suddenly, the door bursts open, and the nurse rushes in.
"What happened?" She asks me, gasping. I guess she ran all the way because she's out of breath.
"There was a beep, a-and Harry's hand twitched." I say, pointing at Harry as if she doesn't know who I'm talking about.
"Oh, okay! I'll get the doctor." The nurse rushes out of the room, and I head back towards Harry. Did that just happen or did I imagine that? No, I'm sure it happened. I grab Harry's hand again, and I can swear I feel that his pulse is moving quicker. Harry gasps, and his eyelids fly open. I jump back again, startled, and the stool falls on the ground.

WHY ME??? A Harry Styles fan-fictionWhere stories live. Discover now