Spilling The Truth

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Harry's POV
"I still don't understand why she's mad at me." I say, frustrated.
"Women are confusing. Let it go. There are many other fish in the sea." Percy says, raising his wine glass.
"There's nobody else for me!" I slam my fist against the table. Everything isn't a joke. Bella is the one for me. There's nobody else.
"Kidnap her, and then question her." Percy shrugs his shoulders, nonchalantly.
"I don't find pleasure in those things anymore. I want her to come according to her own will."
"Harry, wake up! Have some drinks, and loosen up." Percy hands me a shot glass, but I place it back on the table. I don't want to drink. When I drink I don't think clearly.
"I don't want to drink." I say through gritted teeth. Tonight, I'm going to sit on my bed, and think things through. Again. I have thought about that night six times, but I don't remember doing anything wrong. Heck, I don't remember that night. I know I didn't get drunk. I have much more self-control.
"Buzzkill," Percy murmurs. Why am I even hanging out with him? He is probably the cause of all of the problems that are between Bella and me. He is the troublemaker after all.
"I'm not a buzzkill. I just want to do the right thing for once." I defend myself. "I'm going home."
"No, sit for a while." Percy says, grabbing hold of my arm.
"I want to go home, and think things through." I yank my hand from under his grip.
"Sit for a bit. Please." Percy's words are starting to slur together. He's getting drunk.
"I'll sit for five minutes." Sighing, I sit back down. Percy smiles, and grabs another shot glass.
"Are you sure nothing happened that night?" I ask him, again.
"A lot happened that night, but you don't remember because we spiked your drink." Percy says, gesturing for the waiter to come over. What?!
"Percy, what happened that night?" Now's a good time to ask him about it. He's drunk and has no filter on his mouth.
"We spiked your drink, but don't tell Sam or Jay that I told you. They'd kill me." Percy places his finger on his throat, and pretends to slit it. I roll my eyes at his drunken state.
"What did I do that night? Did I try to harm Bella?" Percy holds up his finger. I wait for him to give the waiter his order, and then he turns to face me.
"No, not all. We tried to have some fun, but she is such a buzzkill. Maybe that's why you're together. Both of you are buzzkills." Percy chuckles, and empties his wine glass. I know what Percy's idea of fun is. I just hope he found another way of having fun in the past few months.
"What do you mean?" I narrow my eyes and glare at him.
"We tried to have fun with Bella and Kim. But, they managed to escape." Percy frowns, and then starts to laugh. I get up, walk over to his side and punch him in the nose. That's why she's angry at me. That's why she ran away. I can't believe what I did that night. I have to meet my other friends and find out everything. I thought Bella ran away because she got fed up of me. Maybe she thought I wouldn't let her divorce me, and that's why she escaped secretly. I didn't know that we raped her. I want to go and apologize to her as soon as possible. But, firstly, I need to go and ask my sober friends what happened that night. This situation couldn't possibly get worse.

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