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"What were you guys doing in there?" Liam asks us as we exit Harry's room.
"We were saying goodbye." Niall says, before taking a seat.
"Goodbye? What the heck do you mean?" Louis asks us, alarmed.
"Something is going on with Harry."
"Stop being so vague." Liam throws his hands in the air in frustration.
"He's giving up." I murmur, leaning against the wall. Liam looks at me, confused. "I think this is it."
"What?! No, this is not the end." Louis says, shaking his head.
"I'm going in." Louis says, getting up. Suddenly, the emergency room door flies open, and the nurse runs out. That does not seem good.
"I'm definitely going in." Louis says, entering the emergency room. Liam follows him after a second. For some reason, I don't want to go inside. I can't bear to see Harry like that again. Niall looks at me questioningly, and I shake my head.
"Just the thought is so unbearable, right?" Niall says, and I nod my head in response. I don't feel the need to ask him which thought because I know he's talking about Harry dying. That's the only thing that is going on in our minds.
"Never in my wildest dreams could I have thought about something like this." Niall says, placing his face in his hands. I think he's crying.
"None of us did," I murmur.
"I'm happy Liam and Louis went in."
"Yeah." They have a right to see him. It's highly unfair that we can't meet Harry openly. I can't imagine what people go through when their loved one passes away, and they don't even get a chance to say goodbye or meet him. Suddenly, my eyes land on a doctor, and a nurse running towards us. They rush past us, and enter the emergency room.
"Please get out!" I hear a man's voice say. I think it's the doctor. A few seconds later, Liam and Louis come out of the emergency room. Their heads are hung low, and their eyes are fixed on the floor.
"We said our goodbyes." Louis whispers, taking a seat beside Niall. We can't even be optimistic right now. It's impossible.
"His condition is worse than I thought." Liam says, his eyes still fixed on the floor. Louis gives a small nod of his head.
"You're right...he's not going to make it." Liam says. His eyes finally land on me. His expression is pained, and his eyes have lost their brightness. I hate seeing them like this.
"Where are you taking him?" Louis asks somebody. I look up to find the doctor and the nurse wheeling Harry's stretcher out of the emergency room. I didn't even realize when I zoned out.
"We're shifting him to a private ward. You can follow us, if you want." The doctor says. The boys rush after them, but I follow them at a safe distance.
"Why are you shifting him? Is he out of danger?" Niall asks them.
"I'll tell you everything once he's in the room." The doctor says, as they make a turn.
"Asshole," Louis murmurs. Liam slaps him on the shoulder. I watch as the doctor and nurse set everything up. Louis, Niall and Liam stay near the door as well. Once everything is set up, the doctor ushers the nurse out of the room.
"His condition seems to get worse." The doctor says, facing us. "I'm not trying to be negative or act like an asshole." His eyes land on Louis. "But, I don't think there's much hope. We can monitor him till tomorrow, but if he doesn't respond to the medicines that we're giving him, we're going to have to put him on a ventilator."
"That's not going to work!" Louis yells, frantically. "Harry will not rely on a monitor."
"It doesn't work like that. People can get better with the help of a ventilator." The doctor reassures Louis.
"No, they don't! Half the time they don't." Liam says, shaking his head.
"It's your choice. We have tried everything, but he's not responding to our treatments. We'll wait till tomorrow." Saying this, the doctor exits the room.
"Is this a test?!" Niall yells, walking towards Harry's bed. He points an accusing finger at him.
"Are you trying to test our loyalty? Do you want to see if we're loyal to the gang or not?!"
"Niall-" Liam begins, but Niall cuts him off.
"Don't you dare defend him, Liam. You're always cleaning up his mess and finishing jobs for him, but not today. I want Harry to answer me himself! Four, worried people are standing here, anxiously waiting for you to wake up and speak to us. But, you're so selfish, you don't even realise that." Niall laughs in frustration.
"Should we take out these tubes? Are you done?" Niall yanks out a cord from Harry's hand.
"Niall, put that back!" Louis yells, rushing towards Niall to stop him.
"I'll get the doctor." Liam tells me, before exiting the room. Louis grabs Niall's arms. However, Niall shoves Louis and he falls on the floor.
"Louis, you don't understand. Harry wants this. He wants us to let him go."
"Niall, you're not thinking straight. You can't take out those tubes. He'll die!" Louis says, getting up.
"That's what he wants." Niall yanks out another tube. A monitor near Harry's head starts to beep frantically.
"Get him out!" The doctor says, rushing into the room with Liam following suite. Louis grabs Niall again and pulls him towards the exit. I follow them because I know they're both extremely mad, and anything can happen.
"What's wrong with you?!" Louis yells, shoving Niall backwards. Niall loses his balance and hits a dustbin.
"What's wrong with me?! What's wrong with Harry?" Niall yells back.
"Nothing! He's fine!"
"Yeah, we can see that." Niall scoffs, crossing his arms over his chest.
"Both of you need to stop bickering!" I yell, walking over to them. My head is throbbing because of all their bickering.
"Grow up! Harry's in there, fighting for his goddamn life and you're fighting over something so childish."
"I'm not fighting. Niall's the one who started it." Louis says, pointing an accusing finger at Niall. Niall, on the other hand, refuses to look me in the eye.
"I don't care about that. I just want to remind you that we need to stick together."
"Sorry," Louis mumbles. Niall shakes his head, and walks away from us.
"Should we stop him?"
"No, he needs some alone time." I say, walking back towards Harry's room. Liam is sitting on the couch with his head in his hands.
"What happened? Harry's okay, right?" Louis asks him, placing a hand on his shoulder. Liam shakes his head.
"Niall ruined Harry's chances at getting better." Liam says, through his hands. His voice is muffled, but we can make out what he's saying.
"He's on the ventilator. There's no chance of him getting better."

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