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"Niall, we need to get her out, now!" Sam said, pulling me by my forearm.
"Wait, what!" I said, shocked at what was going on.
"We're getting you out of here!" Niall, half yelled, opening the front door. Sam half dragged me along with her, and then she threw me into the backseat of the car. She then sat in the passenger seat, Niall then entered and sat down, starting the car.
"Niall, we need to get her to the airport in less than twenty minutes," Sam said.
"Don't worry, we'll make it!" Niall said.
In less than twenty minutes we had reached the airport. Niall literally pulled me out of the car and shoved a passport and some cash into my hand.
"Here take this and here's your bag," he said, giving me a small duffle bag. "Your friend, Ed will be waiting for you at the airport. don't worry all your flight details are written in your passport, on a piece of paper. I don't have time to explain, the boys will be back at any time, bye!" Saying that Niall and San left.
I quickly entered the airport and then realized that I was going to Dubai. After boarding my flight, I started to think about what must be going on at home. I'm pretty sure Niall and Sam would be badly beaten up, by now. After quite a few hours, I reached Dubai airport. Then I collected my luggage and stepped outside. Sure enough, my friend, Ed was waiting there. I ran into his arms and he hugged me tightly.
"My God, Belle, I haven't seen you for such a long time!" He said, excitedly.
"I missed you so much, Ed." I said, not wanting to be released from his warm and tight hug.
"Come on, let's go." Ed said, picking up my bag. A few years ago he had left to come here because he wanted to start from scratch and now he had become a rich man. Ed lived in a huge mansion with loads of servants. As soon as we entered, two servants came to greet us and then two more led me upstairs to show me my room. I was shocked because it was beautiful. Then after having a warm bath and freshening up I went downstairs. Ed was waiting for me on the dinning table.
"Belle, come sit next to me." He said, when he saw me. after I had filled my plate with food, he started the conversation.
"So, Bella, I heard you fell into the wrong hands." He said, taking a bite.
"If you want to say that you can, because I frankly think I fell into the devil's hands." I said, remembering my punishment.
"But you don't have to worry now, you'll be absolutely safe with me." He said, placing his hand on my hand.
"I'm sure I will, but I will have to go back someday. I mean, my studies and my whole life is there, Ed." I said, smiling at him.
"No you don't!" He said, a little too loudly. "I have already arranged a course here for you, and now you'll be living with me," he said.
"But what about my family and my friends?" I asked him, thinking about Sam and Niall.
"They'll be fine, trust me." Ed said, and then he got up and before leaving he said, "Your semester starts from tomorrow."
I was excited to start a new life, away from Harry and his gang and their torture. Weeks passed and then months, I got better at my studies day by day and Ed and I got more close, as friends. Very soon I got an it internship at one hospital. It had now been four months, since I had last seen Harry. I hadn't even heard any word from Sam or my family.
"Hey, Bell, you're coming to a party with me tonight, okay?" Ed said, walking to my room.
"Okay," I said. I had now gotten used to going to formal dinners with Ed, all the time.
"Oh and wear something sexy." He told me, winking before he left the room.
Once I had gotten changed and applied little makeup, I went downstairs. While I was waiting for Ed to come down, I started staring out the window. Something caught my eye. Parked right opposite our house, was a white Mercedes, convertible. Since, I knew a lot about cars, I knew that this wasn't any ordinary Mercedes.
"Let's go, babe!" Ed yelled from the front door.
"Okay, coming!" I said, before rushing towards the front door. As we stepped out into the cold night, Ed wrapped his arms around me and held me close, so I wouldn't feel cold. I had this feeling in my stomach that someone was watching us, but then again I was pretty paranoid after the Harry incident. Suddenly, I didn't feel Ed's warm arm around me anymore, so I turned around and saw that he was being held my Zayn and Louis. Louis covered his mouth and Zayn was holding his hands.
"He your boyfriend?" A voice whispered down my neck and I immediately shivered and felt goosebumps rising on my skin. I didn't turn around but answered still shocked.
"No, he's a friend...a really close friend." I added after a pause.
"Oh, love you shouldn't have said that." Harry said, grabbing both my hands and pinning them to my back.
"Let's go now, shall we?" He asked me before forcefully pulling me behind him and throwing me into the same white Mercedes that I had seen from the window.
"Lou, Zayn, finish him off at home!" He shouted and then I heard the backseat doors open and an unconscious Ed was thrown in the backseat; before Louis and Zayn entered. Harry sped off in the direction of the airport, not even waiting on the traffic lights.
"I told you not to run, right?" He asked me, making a sharp right. I refused to answer or even look at him, my eyes were simply fixed on Ed. Suddenly, a hand pulled my forearm and I was leaning on Harry.
"I asked you something!" He yelled, shoving me back against the door. Then he made a quick nod and I heard a groan from behind. I looked at the back finding Zayn and Louis vigorously punching Ed in the stomach.
"Stop! Stop!" I yelled, wanting to reach out to Ed, but Harry's hand was still holding my forearm.
"Well, then you better answer my question." Harry said, smiling.
"You did!" I yelled, controlling my tears. The rest of the car ride was spent in silence, me slightly whimpering whenever Harry squeezed my hand and then I fell asleep, too scared to think about what lay in wait for me and Ed.

WHY ME??? A Harry Styles fan-fictionWhere stories live. Discover now