Club x

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"Hey Sam! I'm home!" I shouted, as I put the bags on the kitchen counter.
"Bella, I'm in my room, would you please come here for a second?" Sam yelled back.
As I entered her room I said, "Are all the guys over here rude?"
"Whoa, from where did that question pop into your head?" Sam asked me patting the bed, telling me to sit down next to her.
"Well, I kind of ran into a guy in the grocery store and trust me he doesn't know what being polite means." I said, passing my hand through my now tangled hair.
"Oh, come on, just because one guy is rude to you doesn't mean there aren't others out there who are nice." Sam said, punching my shoulder lightly. "Oh, hey before you say anything else, I have to tell you something. Tonight you and I are invited to a party at Club X."
"Sam, you know I hate clubs and socializing. Plus, I just arrived today I need to sleep and get rid of my jet lag." I said getting up, ready to leave.
"Oh come on! Please just come for me, to this one party because we all anyway know once your semester starts you will be locked up in your room, absorbed in your books." Sam said, jumping up from the bed and going to her closet. "I even took the trouble of choosing our outfits."
"Fine only for you!" I said taking one dress that she handed to me from the hanger.
"Thank you, and trust me you'll have a lot of fun."
Once we arrived at the club, Sam took off with her friends as usual, leaving me alone in the middle of strangers, typical. I then guided myself towards the bar and asked him for some root beer. He just rolled his eyes at me and brought me some.
Suddenly, a voice next to me said, "Four bottles of vodka!" I immediately recognized that voice, I mean how could I not and then I turned around in my stool to face the guy.
"Oh hey, it's you!" I said with fake enthusiasm in my voice.
"Are you stupid, or just suicidal?" Harry, the guy asked me.
"Excuse me!" I said, a little louder than necessary.
"Normally, when I tell people off, they try to keep their distance from me. But you just seem to want trouble in your life." He said, walking away with his drinks.
"Hey, girl! How you doing?" Same said, sitting on the stool next to me. Suddenly, one pair of arms wrapped around Sam's waist. She gasped and then someone from behind her said, "Long time no see, babe," and she seemed to relax a little, though she still was a little tense.
"Liam, what are you doing here?" She said, trying to keep a smile on her face. Suddenly, a boy with brown hair, moved in front of her.
"Babe, you should teach your friend some manners you know." He told her, nodding his head towards me.
"What'd you mean?" She asked him, looking towards me with a questioning look.
"Well, your friend here seems a little too interested in talking back to Harry and you know what happens when you don't treat us nicely, right?" He asked, with a smirk in his face. Sam gasped and nodded her head. Liam then left, and went and sat next to Harry on a table with three other guys.
"Bell, who did you bump into this morning?" Sam asked me.
"I think his n-name was Harry." I stuttered still shocked at what had just happened.
"Well, don't ever speak rudely to those five sitting there," she said nodding her head towards them.
"Why, what is so bad about them?" I asked her, not really understanding.
"They, Bella are the most cruel and abusive guys in the whole world. They can probably be categorized as the Devil's brothers. The main point is that they are gangsters and horrible ones Belle." She said, in a shaky tone.

WHY ME??? A Harry Styles fan-fictionWhere stories live. Discover now