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Harry's POV
I throw another plate against the wall. How dare they do that to me?! They're my friends. They were my friends. I hate every single one of them. I could've let them rape Bella because they spiked my drink.
"Harry!" Louis yells as he enters the kitchen. I hear his boots step on the broken glass. I don't care if he hurts himself right now. I'm so fucking mad. "What's wrong?" I pick up a crystal dish, and throw it towards a wall.
"Why are you breaking things?" Louis' voice is laced with confusion.
"I don't want to talk to you. Get out!" I grab two wine glasses and throw them towards the floor.
"I'm not going anywhere. What happened? Where's Bella?" Why is he asking so many goddamn questions?
"Shut up!" I walk towards him to kick him out. "Shit!" I curse as I step on a piece of glass.
"Harry, why aren't you wearing shoes? Stay right there." Louis says, walking over to me. He pushes away broken pieces of glass with his shoe. Louis comes over and takes my hand. I just stare at the wall as he drags me out of the kitchen.
"Sit down. I'll get a disinfectant and a bandage." Louis says, gesturing for me to take a seat on the couch. This situation is ironic; this is my house and Louis is treating me as if I'm a guest. There's a lamp lying next to the couch, and I grab hold of it. I throw it against the wall, and it shatters into tiny pieces.
"Harry! Stop it!" Louis yells, sitting down beside me. "When you invited us over, I did not expect you to be so angry. What happened?" Louis takes my foot in his lap, and dabs something onto the cut. I hiss in pain.
"I let those vile men rape Bella. Almost," I murmur. I hate myself more than I hate those men. She trusted me. She loved me, even though I'm not an ideal man. No woman in the world would want to love a gangster, but she did. I let her down. I hate myself so much.
"Harry, what are you talking about?" Louis asks me, confused. I don't want to talk to him. I want to be alone. I want to punish myself for what I've done. Suddenly, Louis' phone starts to ring, and his hand moves away from my foot.
"Yeah, I'm with Harry." There's a minute of silence and then Louis continues. "I don't know where Bella is. But, Harry is in a bad state. Get here as fast as you can."
"Harry, speak to me. Please." Why doesn't Louis understand that I don't want to.
"Louis, I don't want to speak to you. Go away." I get up, and start to head towards my room.
"Harry, if you don't tell me what happened, I can't help you." I can hear his footsteps following me.
"I don't want help. No one can help me." Instead of going towards my room, I head towards the front door. Louis' not going to leave me unless I leave this place.
"Where do you think you're going?" Louis asks me, when he sees me picking up my car key.
"Somewhere far from you."
"Fine, I won't ask any questions. But, please stay at home. You're not in a state to drive."
"I'm fine. You can't tell me what to do." I slam the front door behind me. I rush towards my car before Louis can come out and stop me.
"Harry!" I hear him yell as I reverse out of the driveway. If he can't leave me alone, I'll find another place where I can be alone.
"Should I go to Bella's house?" I ask myself. No, I shouldn't. She will never love me again. "Maybe she will." I'm going insane. I'm talking to myself. Before I know it, I'm passing the speed limit. Angry drivers honk at me, and raise their middle fingers, but I don't care.
"Shut up!" I yell even though they can't hear me. I break a red light as I pass an intersection. I don't know where I'm going. I feel another car hit the back of mine, and the airbags inflate. Shit! Before I know it everything is turning upside down, and I feel another car hit mine. A warm substance makes it's way down my forehead. I don't feel a thing. I can't even think straight. Something's happening, but I don't know what it is.

WHY ME??? A Harry Styles fan-fictionWhere stories live. Discover now